Updated to 1.70!
Added new Jets!
The Gryphon, Black Wasp, Shikra and Buzzard can spawn as the friendly AA jet.
The Gryphon, Shikra, Neophron and Buzzard can spawn as the enemy CAS/AA jet.
Added UCAV Sentinel
Players with the DLC will have the UCAV spawn instead of the Greyhawks.
Added parachute script by @InfamousNova.
If above 40 metres, an option to deploy parachute will appear in your scroll wheel. A parachute does not need to be equipped to use this.
Added Camo texture for Black Wasp to Donator menu.
Replaced ATGMs on Wipeout and Neophron with GBUs (subject to change).
Removed laser designator from CAS jets.
Changed some enemy and friendly jet skins.
Adjusted enemy CAS/AA loadouts
Friendly AA jet now spawns every 8 minutes and chooses randomly between the jets mentioned above.
Fixed custom Wipeout skin not applying on spawn.
Modified Staff spectator menu.
Updated ingame rules pages to be the same as the ones on the forums.
Updated staff list.
Highly recommended that you read this if you intend on flying anything: https://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-sensor-overhaul
If you notice any bugs or issues with the new update or have any suggestions, feel free to send me a message or make a forum post
Known issues/to-do:
Radar is enabled regardless of whether the FOB is activated or not.
Range finding is now bound to the '\' key. This is also the salute key (thanks bohemia). Make sure to change either the salute binding or the Lase Range binding under Weapons.
Currently the QS Mag Repack binding blocks the radar on/off binding.