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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/18 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    I don't mean to spread hate but this is an excellent move by leadership. Wasteland was plagued (especially Ya Mum) with admins abusing their power and even abusing players. This really gives me hope that the leadership actually hear our complaints and attempt to act on feedback. In regards to improving player count on Wasteland - I think introducing the old base building mechanics would really help. I have been on this server a very long time and know many people that stopped playing purely from the base building mechanics being removed/diluted heavily. Placing a larger emphasis on Opfor v Blufor will also improve the overall enjoyment of the server. (especially balancing teams). At present indys make up the vast majority of the players which really takes away from the team aspect imo. Fixing simple bugs like money and gear despawning etc. would also be great as it has caused many people to rage quit and not come back. All in all Wasteland has a huge potential and with some hardwork by the admins I believe it can be restored to its former glory
  2. 3 points
    Seeing as I've got the ball rolling with police force I thought I might as well throw up a thread for people to suggest ideas for the server, I've heard heaps of really good ones over the past few days not only for cop but also for rebels and medics. It takes someone with the imitative to start a movement so why not here. from a rebel point of view, recently we have been scouting the map looking for rebel vs rebel action, we have avoided the obvious drug fields n processing lots and targeted major highways and police checkpoint 1, we have found more police action then anything. Perhaps a gang base/hideout that can be captured by a gang which over time generates revenue for the gang and can be claimed like the old gang hide outs? This will give rebels something to defend if they have possession. this is but one of my ideas for more rebel on rebel interaction which will promote gangs to form (hence the easier it is to hold with more people). Feel free to throw your ideas in guys, not saying anything is going to change but it might spark change for development on the issues people are finding on the server, keep in mind there is a single guy developing so try to keep it doable. Cheers ??
  3. 3 points
    Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if you answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Officer. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y/N) Y Basics: - Name on Database: KurtizNZ Callsign: K27M Rank: Senior Constable Age: 16 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: I want to join the APD Academy as I feel like it would be the best way for me to help the APD when I go back to School so that I can still support the APD in the background. I want to have more responsibility within the APD and I see the Academy the way for me to do that by helping the new people to the force get Whitelisted and to do their training. I want to have an effect on the APD and its future and help the Force grow and be better than before. I am also looking to increase my diversity and involvement in the APD. I am looking for more responsibility and influence in the APD. I also really want to help people get into the APD and its great community. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: I am a responsible and hardworking person, I am trustworthy and reliable. I am Relaxed, I do things by the book or I can think on my feet to solve problems. I am good a conflict resolution, and I can communicate well and get my Opinion across as well as take others opinions onboard as well. I am a detective so I am trusted with Sensitive information and I know how things get done in divisions. Do you wish to work in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: I would prefer to work in Enlistment, this is because I want to help the new Prob.Constable to the Police force. I also as school starts up my game time will reduce by a bit and I want to help the APD and Academy people as much as possible out of game and in team speak. I feel that Enlistment would be the best way to do this. I would also be keen to help out in training as I am keen to help people out as much as possible. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I can dedicate about 10-15 hours a Week, Will be closer to 10 when school gets into full swing Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? No Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) Y Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: (Y/N) Y Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: (Y/N) Y By placing this application you acknowledge that any work you do for the APD can be edited by the Command Team and other Academy Officers without your consent. Any work you do for the APD remains the property of the APD. Any "Code Black" information you are given is to remain unreleased into the Community.
  4. 1 point
    I was going though one of my oldest hard drives and I came across this image. This is a piece of StrayaGaming history. It was used as your loading in image for Altis Life. Server pop of just 23 in peak hours... and yes the market was that busy... so busy we could setup a screenshot without anyone around in the market... Something don't change... the swag car is a classic... We have come a long way from there and I would like to thank everyone for been apart of this community.
  5. 1 point
    Name: jacob Callsign: recruit Date of Disciplinary Action: 5th jan What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: i was blacklisted because i did nothing but negative things all day while sitting at front desk of pd. Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: i was doing negative actions, apparently threatening cops to be demoted (was zorgain) Why the appeal should be accepted: because mitch said id be temp banned for a week and then i could be whitelisted but it turned out to be a month Any other information: its so unfair
  6. 1 point
    General Alias: Abu / Kendrick Gambino In-Game Role Play Name: Abu TeamSpeak Name: Abu [Magix/Kendrick] Age (Minimum 15): 19 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198102943754 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD? . Inactivity - Working in another state Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? (50 Words Min) I believe I should be reenlisted back into the Strayagaming APD as I was a dedicated member who offered a wide range of skills into what was an already powerful force at the time. Additionally my area in leadership (Snr Serg) at the time I played assisted in providing a capable force on a day to day basis. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: I see myself progressing through the ranks with stronger ties to those I play with. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: (50 Words Min) Due to my extended experience on both Rebel, Cartel and the APD I can offer many skills and training while also contributing my time to extra duties within the APD. I am an experienced ARMA player with game time over a variety of different game modes which opens up my skill range past roleplaying and basic combat. Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: Whatever is required.
  7. 1 point
    im done with this teamstacking bullshit. kids like bailey daniel and soulstealer sit in tanks and drones ALL day. but they can't be touched since they are in a heavy teamstack. if i were to go in a jet i would instantly be drone bombed. if i were to try and scheme them from a heavy money shipment and take the money for myself i would be bombarded with tanks drones and numbers. if there are 2 people on blufor and there are 3 people on opfor. you cannot join opfor until the teams are evenly numbered. Simple but not yet done???^
  8. 1 point
    Back when VIP actually got you something in game rip, cheers B.I.
  9. 1 point
    back in the ARA days about to dec on cops with this army. Back when i was a VIP :)
  10. 1 point
    Well this is a spicy topic isnt it? I might aswell put my 2 cents into this... Imo if nothing changes to get a balance out the two sides (cops and civs/rebels) than we'll see more and more gangs slowing dying or going onto other servers... I myself had slowly strived away from the server as there is nothing to do on rebels besides from the occasional airdrop/shipment or bank. Its just the same thing everyday and its getting really bland.
  11. 1 point
    @Pezza Now i feel like people are mad at the fact that there is no voice for the rebels, you can say you're not bias but we know that this is just simply not true, ive heard plenty of issues dealing with rebels such as SP and mods have done nothing nitbit at the issue on hand and find some sort of enjoyment punishing them or trying to justify the actions of the police, now some of these mods are longer staff which helps on the bias views but this still doesn't change the fact that certain staff currently still hold these views. I have been apart of Straya for over a year now and ive seen a good amount of Mods and Admins that were never bias and did a tremendous jobs at keeping peace but sadly due to staff politics they have left, which is a huge shame because those shoes will never be filled. No one here knows what the future holds for Straya but im sure if we give it time things will change. What i think is best is rebels that feel who dont have a voice apply for Support Team so you can make that climb into a staff position and make a change in Alts Life. I feel for Apollo and dont think its fair with his situation with his mod but i guess thats life, end of the day this is a community surrounded by a game and i think everyone should have a voice so if we give it time im sure things will be fixed.
  12. 1 point
    Interesting. I understand you would like a (n+1) teambalance rule which would ensure that teams remain even despite low numbers. This isnt a bad idea, id even encourage it to rid the server of n.balance complaints. To be honest though, numbers dont matter. People learnt this a long time ago however they need a reminder. A small veteran indie group can destroy both teams despite only being 4-6 strong. #skillbalancing Tanks: strap multiple 1k satchels to quads and blow them to hell. Cheap, highly effective and satisfying. Drones: alamut drones at rearm location. If u have money, a 40k gryphon will destroy all drones and tanks. A small price to hear your enemiy's salt in global. There is always a simple, effective solution to every problem. **below screencapture was taken yesterday.
  13. 1 point
    TSF mass run @DJ_JoozBrorg Blowing up every gas station on AL for "roleplay" Airlifting something heavier than us in wasteland @nclem in a sticky situation First detonation constable mitch btw
  14. 1 point
    What the hell has happened ever since myself and mozkelby retired. Seriously, it has come to this. Fellow staff members abusing their powers (ya mum) no surprise there. Always felt a bit fishy about him. Shocked that the population is like this now.
  15. 1 point
    Couldn't agree more with this. I had multiple run ins with that particular scumbag. His day finally came.
  16. 0 points
    f you feel that that a disciplinary action placed against you was incorrect or unjust, create a new topic using the template below. .............................................................................................................................................................. Name: soulairis Callsign: i was never whitelisted Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198126705996 Date of Disciplinary Action: no idea What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: black listed Who were you Disciplined by: no idea Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: disrespect to the co Why the appeal should be accepted: cause i wantt o be unblack listed and i want to play cop as a whitelisted officer Any other information: .............................................................................................................................................................. Discipline Appeals will be reviewed by the Discipline Appeals Team. The Officer who placed the punishment will also be involved in reviewing your Appeal. The Discipline Appeals Team is listed on the Police Database in the Academy Section: HERE
  17. 0 points
    @Zorgain has a fair point, not really a point building an idea for the current server, it's good to think and create ideas for the future Life server, but otherwise this idea has been talked about recently. This is a great idea and should really be considered further.
  18. 0 points
  19. 0 points
  20. 0 points
    I'll mod the server just give me that kick button.I don't need those others fancy tools? Or not I may get bored and just kick everyone ?
  21. 0 points
    i gather you don't really play on the server since i havent really seen you on and half of this stuff is already in as zombine has stated civvies do roam the AO and there are civilian vehicles only time i have seen a town get levelled is when i have done it myself. never seen a player do it it already says in chat if someone kills a civilian and i believe you lose a point plus we already have ROE's Kinda seems like you trying to get some ez rep