@Joshua_ I think what your saying is very reasonable. As much as I really like what I have got on the server and would not want to have to grind all over again, I feel like it could make things a little more fun. The only issue will be that people like me who don't actually get on the server as much will struggle to get back into a good position whereas some of the cartels will grow too quickly due to their size and then they will control all the basic money methods, e.g have people constantly camping weed field... This would mean that it stops everyone else from growing and its going to make the server very 1 sided. Personally, I also believe that if you reset APD ranks then you would have to obviously keep the highest ranks in place, but then there would be this massive rank gap and you will have pub slots reporting to a commissioner. But in the meanwhile, gangs and cartels will keep their rank structure and that means that they all have access to the exact same things they have before, this would create the issue that they would overpower the police not only in the equipment they can use but also with the methods/routines that would never change. A server reset is the kind of thing that I wouldn't want to happen, but if it did, I would wan't @Lotza to change things up quite a bit, including: The use of planes (like I mentioned in another post, having planes be able to carry much much more fuel and 800kg of cargo, giving them an actual use, of course, that is balanced by the difficulty of landing at useful places) I would also like to see some more options for crafting, Making crating items a bit easier, making it so you can craft black items, and just exanding the options for crafting. I think it would also benefit to remove the whole token idea. Finally, I think that they could update the locations of everything on the map, making certain routes better than others and then change up Kavala to make it more of a city rather than just a town (using the Tanoa city buildings).
So yeah, to sum all that up... I don't really want a server reset unless it will bring some big changes.
Thanks for taking the time to read!