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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Rad for Prime Minister (Disclaimer: This is just for role-play purposes and laughs. Not to be taken seriously) 1.0 Mission Statement The state of affairs in Australia is currently appalling. The judicial government has been shut down and the seperation of powers no longer exists. Governmental executive and judicial power has been centralised to the Police. The Police have become Judge, Jury and Executioner. This has led to Tyranny, Rebellion and Police Brutality on a scale never before imaginable. Terrorist organisations roam the streets, abducting innocent civilians to sacrafice to their deities and vigilantes perform public executions on every corner of Sydney. Melbourne and Brisbane have become ghost towns while Sydney has become a warzone between the Police, Rebels and Cartels who vie for domination on every corner with innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. It's time we change. It's time to restore the Government 1.1 Who is Rad? Rad is your savior. Rad is a philanthropist. Rad is a public servant in the Police force. Rad was once a slave, forced into servitude by malicious individuals who profited from his labor. Rad had humble beginnings. He started his journey at the age of 18, picking peaches for a living. He would bring home his pay for his family, which consisted of himself, his mother and his brother. A few months later, Rad decided that he needed to invest in his future, so he bought himself a truck, a pickaxe and a copper processing license. Mining copper was one of the best decisions Rad ever made. At this time, new developments in electrical wiring created a new relentless demand for copper, so Rad lucked in, as he was mining copper during a boom. Rad started getting rich; he hired a few people and began his first company by the age of 19. Rad was a shrewed businessman, he made deals with the chinese to import goods for ridiculously cheap prices and sold on Australian made products to the world, winning multi-national awards for the highest quality and best made products on the global marketplace. Rad became a multi-millionaire by the age of 20. For 5 years afterwards, unbelievable success would follow Rad, his colleagues thought he was Midas-Touched while his rivals praised his intelligence and cunning. On one cold night, in the heart of winter disaster struck. His rivals colluded to bring down his business empire and on the 4th of July they struck. As firecrackers and fireworks lit up the skies, Rad was enjoying the view from his balcony. Then a band of highly-trained infiltrators rappeled down from a black-hawk helicopter and took Rad captive. They pointed a gun at his head and said: "Your money or your life!" Rad was doomed. While rad loved his millions he was forced to give out his bank account details and he was cleared completely out. Rad was now broke. Seconds after the last transaction, the infiltrators betrayed their word and took Rad's life, but not in the way you think. Rad was kidnapped. Year after year of enslavement, forced to cultivate and harvest high end drugs for the criminal cartel that had taken Rad captive. A huge lesson in humility was learnt. Rad's brother joined the Police force after he was taken to fight back against these relentless and heartless criminals. Rad's daily tasks during this time was usually: 1. Polish the floors of the Cartel's hideout 2. Grow and process drugs 3. Murder people 4. Steal Kidneys The psychological trauma of those years would haunt Rad for many nights afterwards. One christmas, many years later Rad got lucky. Rad was being transfered to Cartel Command to finally be recruited and actually paid for all the work he used to do as a slave. He was being moved by helicopter. A paperclip from Rad's transfer papers mysteriously found itself into his possession. Half-way through, in the middle of no-where Rad finally lockpicked his cuffs. Grabbing a parachute out of the heli and nicking the guard's cell phone Rad jumped out and parachuted to the ground. Before the cartel knew what happened, Rad had vanished. Unfortunately, as a Slave, Rad was not permitted proper clothing, only underwear and soon he started to freeze. It was a cold summers night. Rad dialed 000 and begged for aid. A man by the name of F. George answered the call. George personally flew out a helicopter to pick up Rad, and after hours of searching the mountains, with the aid of compass directions George finally found Rad. Rad never felt so safe or happy to be alive before. As Rad started to warm up in the chopper, George gave him a cup of coffee and some donuts. The ecstasy of sugar never felt so good before. Years of brutality and malnutrition had made Rad physically weak. When George and Rad got back to Syd PD, George called in a professional psychiatrist by the name of Sir Deadpool who helped Rad recover from the ordeal. George called in a few forensic analysers to recover Rad's stolen millions which by a stroke of luck never got moved to off-shore accounts. During Rad's counselling sessions, he had a Revelation The realisation that people are more important than money. That greed will cause you to bleed. This gave Rad a whole new perspective on life. Rad remembered the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." It was so sudden, Rad finally had life purpose once again. In one patriotic act, Rad signed up to join the police force and gave away millions to victims of Criminal Cartels. Rad gained an in-depth understanding of the police force, of Law and of order and still serves as a public servant to his country to today. Rad has the honorary rank of Constable and fights to save lives from Criminals on a daily basis. 2.0 The Agenda If Rad gets elected prime minister, these are the goals of Rad's Reign. 1. Restore the Judicial Government and refine the process. This will be done by placing the onus on the defendant to prove innocence, through screenshots etc. Most cases can be heard by just a judge with the exception of manslaughter, which will result in a trial whereby a jury consisting of 3 unbaised individuals (No affiliation with the person in question) that can be made up from the Police Force and the Public (Depending on who is avaliable at the time) with majority rules. By placing the onus on the Defendant, this should expedite the Judicial process exponentially. Another feature of the new system would be to revamp the prison system, when a subject is arrested, they go to a holding cell to wait out their sentence or until their case is heard by a court. This way the cop gets paid the bounty + Judicial rp can take place. If a subject gets found guilty of a jailable offence in court, prison RP can take place in the normal Correctional Facility. 2. Commission the ASIS (SIS -> Australian Secret Intelligence Service). We must fight terror with terror. If terrorists can't trust anyone, they are less likely to commit acts of terror since they know they can be arrested and busted at any time if a member of the SIS infiltrates their cell. 3. Implement a 4% tax on police bounties. The tax revenue from this will be spent to fund the court system and the new lottery. 4. Commission Rad's POTTY. Doesn't everyone want a taste of Rad? With Rad's POTTY everyone who buys a ticket gets a chance to sit on Rad's POTTY and potentially win a MILLION bucks! 5. Commission LIBERTY WORKS. Since our country faces an unemployment crisis on the likes which has never been seen before, we must take proactive measures to prevent a depression. This includes new unemployment programs to help people find work and a UBI (Universal Base Income) to provide money to the poor. 6. EXECUTE THE BANKERS. I mean what the hell do the tellers even do anyways? We all use atms these days. All tellers do is hand money to people with guns. They should be punished. 7. FEDERALISE THE FEDERAL RESERVE. Did you know the Federal Reserve is actually a private bank? The treasury borrows money from the federal reserve which the federal reserve prints into existence. Then when the government pays back it's debt with interest, the profits are rewarded among the private shareholders of the Federal Reserve. At least if we confiscate the federal reserve from the banksters, we'll all be debt-slaves to the government, rather than some greedy banker. 8. RAISE INTEREST RATES. I'm pretty sure all Australians agree that paying a million bucks for a house is stupid. Yet why do people do it? Well it's simple, because most people believe there is no other choice. By raising interest rates, I Rad, will solve the housing crisis. By raising interest rates it makes it impossible to pay back a mortgage. Then that said person will have to sell their house since it costs too much. When you have everyone selling their house at the same time for the same reason, it drops the housing price ridiculously. You may ask, "But Rad, won't that be a housing crisis?" Well here's the little nifty, get-out-of-jail free card for the economy. It's called bankruptcy. Make everyone bankrupt, make housing prices affordable again. After that, spend 2-5 years working to buy a house rather than your lifetime. Everyone gets happy. Those are the 8 goals for Rad's first 100 days. After this is accomplished, here's a few extra goals: 9. LEGALISE WEED. You're probably going to get murdered by some other guy trying to steal your weed. Why fear the police as well? Plus the extra tax revenue can be sent to Rad's POTTY. 10. ISSUE BLANKETS. Things are going to get cold. Ever heard of a Grand Solar Minimum before? 11. TAX CARTELS. If we implement a 20% tax on illegal drugs, cartels are more likely to be nicer to normal people. Plus the extra tax can go to Rad's POTTY. 12. SELL A WALL. China has one. America wants one. Buy a wall at Chinese prices to sell at American prices? The difference can fund the unemployed and the extra can go to Rad's POTTY. 13. Announce a new public holiday called PRAISE THE RAD. A great prime minister defininately needs a day dedicated to himself to feed his unbelievably understated ego. 3.0 What you can do to help If you want a greater Australia, you need a greater Rad. Let's form the Rad Union. Donate to Rad today! to help fund his campaign for Prime Minister. If you're a rebel, hijack the news station and force them to tell everyone how Rad is their Savior. If you're a Cartel, donate a portion of your drug revenue to Rad to help fund his campaign. If you're a cop, advocate for peace in our time by convincing people that Rad will make radical change in our country. For the better. Plus offer free body guard services, afterall, there's plenty of meat bags *cough, I mean white shirts that can ordered to offer acceptable protection against terrorists. If you're a civ, you can just simply voice your support for Rad in public. The RU Party will be victorious in the next election! 4.0 Classified (Out of rp section) Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the read. Please feel free to comment on your favourite points or like. I do have a question for the community however: Should we make this a role-play thing? (Protect the President/Prime minister, elections and all that rp. Could be quite fun) -> Cheers Rad
  2. 3 points
    As the ex mayor of altis i can +1
  3. 2 points
    So, with the recent explosion of numbers for the Tanoa server (its slowly increasing in publicity), i wanna make the recommendation that it goes back to a permanent Tanoa server. Ie removal of Malden from the Rotation.
  4. 2 points
    ╔══════════════════ஜ۩☢۩ஜ═════════════════╗Congrats to our Winners ╚══════════════════ஜ۩☢۩ஜ═════════════════╝ Winner: @Psychedelic Thank's to everyone that entered and to the people that supported this Giveaway https://youtu.be/U7zX9jk74DM
  5. 1 point
    Hey 100 hours in the editor, Jeb here back with a some screenshots that no one cares about! (NOT CLICK BAIT) I get bored so I create things in the editor, (mostly for Altis life) that won't have a chance of getting in, and try to make in even with CT, and T. Lets be honest, Westpac can be CT sided. Be this isn't a discussion, this is just me showing them off. Bye https://imgur.com/a/ZrJDVNp https://imgur.com/a/UoBTqRt Send Help
  6. 1 point
    Sounds awesome! I would love to boss your staff around
  7. 1 point
    +1 I personally like the idea of adding the PM etc, it was in a long time ago, with a contractor called Secret Service (It didn't last long :(() which just hovered around the PM as he did his daily duties, and used the Sydney Office building, so we could make us of that and might stop the heavy civ gunfights there. Unfortunately the staff removed these things so it won't be likely to get back in.
  8. 1 point
    What can medics do to help? Also free health care please, it costs hundreds right now. Btw if you need unbias people for a jury medics are perfect.
  9. 1 point
    @Joshua_ Thanks bud! Feel free to start getting the word out! How does "Chief of Staff" sound? I think you deserve the role if I get elected
  10. 1 point
    I'll pay for three. You have 4 broadcasts at your disposal. @Rad01
  11. 1 point
    Fat +1. I am more than willing to spend 300k for your broadcast.
  12. 1 point
    ╔══════════════════ஜ۩☢۩ஜ═════════════════╗Congrats to our Winners ╚══════════════════ஜ۩☢۩ஜ═════════════════╝ 1st: draw: @Joseph_PC Supporters Draw: @_ewan.b Thank's to everyone that entered and to the people that supported this Giveaway https://youtu.be/glVp7xeRxUk
  13. 1 point
    What a fantastic read! You certainly have my vote. In regards to your comment in 4.0, I would be more than happy to work with you on this and setup a basic government that isn't the lawyer system. However, do note that when a group of us attempted to do a "Prime Minister" roleplay with the cops the other day, we were all restrained and our cars impounded... You might need to consult the server staff/the APD commissioner to implement this. Cheers!
  14. 1 point
    Hello! Hi!, I'm thorn. I'm one of APS's newest paramedics to assist with operations around Australia. I look forward to meeting a lot of you (Hopefully under a less dangerous environment) and making a nice home here in Sydney. If you see me around, don't be afraid to say howdy! See you out there!
  15. 1 point
    Made it in the vid bois lets go
  16. 1 point
    works for me. have you tired clicking on it
  17. 1 point
    "My QuadBike" Macain 2k18
  18. 0 points
  19. 0 points
    Good to see the kill feed of cops deaths to civs in Sydney go up, makes me tingle