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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/16 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    ------- Damnnnnnn Cake, back at it again with the timelapse. I gave up on trying to get an aerial shot of the Market with a Police drone or hovering a helicopter at a certain distance so instead I gathered my footage from elsewhere. Another 24-hour in-game time lapse of the most common area Sydney market. Next timelapse? You decide! Thanks Sebastian for tazing me several times and too worried trying to get a naked civilian off the roof causing no-harm than someone stealing a police SUV right next you to. You da real MVP! Sorry I hardly dealt with people in Help-desk today, was more focused on making this lmao, don't kill me.
  2. 1 point
    Hello internet I'm Jazz, i float around the TS server quite a bit and play heaps of Rust and RoK. I like pretty good memes as well.
  3. 1 point
    to chocmintz and envy. please enjoy the video I do suggest you watch the whole video it has been edited.
  4. 1 point
    yeah hadnt restarted my pc in a while
  5. 1 point
    For me it's a personal choice. 1500 can get you a decent weapon and scope to start of with. My preferred load out costs a lot more but it's the challenge of getting to the atm and gun store. There is more to the game that just shooting people with a sick load out. The challenge of the game is getting money, getting a decent load out, killing people and trying to keep that load out. Increasing the cash at the start for the ability for everyone to get a load out from the start takes all those challenges away because if you die, who cares you get 10k again my thoughts only.
  6. 1 point
    Hi thanks, .. No, the command strings were put in via steam game startup perimeters, not via the main arma3 console, will try to remove those strings and see if they work as well as the other to validate game cache, have also deleted the battleye files as i remember this was also something i had to do once in a while in the past.. and many thanks for all your help lads!
  7. 1 point
    Week later AV complaining about Fed is champagne level comedy
  8. 1 point
    As J said all though they arent looking in to it, You have to be aware it is very hard to run, you require licensing and what not, on top of this you then have a hard-to run server requiring lots of coding (Even with a master coder like John Paul) as the default mission file is very lacking and limited. As cool as it would be, the altis life server is amazing as it is! With love! Mr. Snow Leopard
  9. 1 point
    Hey mate, Been plenty of these topics posted and so far at this point there is no plans to be opening any modded Arma life servers we are trying to start to focus abit more on other games which don't limit us to what we can and can't do. Cheers
  10. 1 point
    WOW. Envy and chocmints = worst aim on altis life.
  11. 1 point
    While playing EMS i see some horrible situations but speeding is one of the worst, remember showing off to your mates might sound cool but can also get you all dead. Remember to stay safe on the roads of Altis-ralia (photo's below). Credit to the sick lads gang and a member of A113 for speeding in sydney and having to get the cops to put down barriers to keep other road users safe.
  12. 1 point
    Ahh varmint you scrub. Nice shooting bro, Video is really FPS laggy for me for some reason, don't know if its the video or me.
  13. 1 point
    Music to my ears Aidanjr!!! I suppose it depends on your perferred play style and what mood your in at the time when it comes to joing either indie/ OPFOR/ BLUFOR If you pefer more team based, lots of beacons join BLUEFOR, plus if you want access to the only runway on the map, OPFOR Also take into consideration if your going indie, that if you die, and you havent placed beacons down, you might not be able to get back to your gear. Anyway, Welcome to pure destruction Regards. Unit_3397.
  14. 1 point
    I up the price as i made it take 15mins for blasting charges to get into the fed... Gold bars will be about 90k...