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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/18 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. 2 points
    @Home & @BManZ07 i will reitterate the message i have already communicated to one of you, this party will not officially be formalised as an event, this is open to anyone wanting to participate, I should be around along with other moderators to assist in the monitisation of the party and advertising, we ca arrange a admin message and possibly some placeables, although this will be limited to a public party rather than a public event. So spread the message. If you have any further questions contact me through teamspeak or the forums. Tune in for further events upcoming with the wipe.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Name: Omiua Callsign: KO1S Training completed by : Sir Harry List all pub slot inductions you have done : Reckless inducted by Omiua 21/09/2018 , 3:50 pm iMPhox inducted by omiua 21/09/2018 Zapot fAILEDD 26/09/2018 David mason inducted by Omiua 26/09/18 Done quite a few trolls also that disconnect right before the quiz :/ Why do you deserve a promotion? : I have served the APD for a good 4-5 months not to mention my extended time as a pub slot, I have countless hours of time that I enjoy dedicating to the department with no complaint, I follow all orders given by my superiors and do not talk back, although my inductions are minimal (2 were removed for some reason) , I don't plan on stopping inductions regardless of rank, I enjoy doing them and teaching people new skills , passing the knowledge that was passed to me by my superiors, having channel power to move to training rooms etc will come quite in handy for me as I prefer to get inductions done the minute its been asked of me, I am extremely active and only play on cop and I feel strongly that the APD will benefit from my time here, I strive to be a leader and never once nor will I give up with the department, your consideration of me for Sgt will not be taken lightly and I will work harder to be a great leader for our policemen/women, I am available all day everyday also as I currently am not working due to an injury, I think I deserve to be among what we call in military rank ''NCO'' level status and would love to be one step closer to Command team, it has been a true honour serving alongside this family I hope you can see how dedicated I am and will be regardless of promotion or not, thakyou for your time. Who would recommend you for a promotion? (Pls chck with ) : @Critters @Cpt.Cougs @Matt Ronaldo @Zarco @Nigel@Skyfise
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    For any server moderators or administrators who may see this, I will need help setting up the event, If you could please help with placeables and other support such as transporting materials please get back to me or @BManZ07 as we will need the help.
  8. 1 point
    Yung Slaze thinking he was once relevant. That’s a big yikes from me dawg. How did you enjoy your 2 days back? ?
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Yes, you can report them to staff.
  11. 1 point
    If you feel that that a disciplinary action placed against you was incorrect or unjust, create a new topic using the template below. .............................................................................................................................................................. Name: BOB DISCIPLIN APPEAL Callsign: IM A PUBSLOT DONT HAVE ONE Date of Disciplinary Action:1 WEEK AGO What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: I WAS BEING DIS REASPECTFUL Who were you Disciplined by: SMOKEY Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I swore at a cop Why the appeal should be accepted: because I dident mean it and I'm sorry Any other information: .............................................................................................................................................................. Discipline Appeals will be reviewed by the Discipline Appeals Team. The Officer who placed the punishment will also be involved in reviewing your Appeal. SMOKEY The Discipline Appeals Team is listed on the Police Database in the Academy Section
  12. 0 points
    Hey lads, First frag video pretty much just a compilation of the past few months ranging from gang fights to sydney memes, Go easy on me <3
  13. 0 points
    didn't really care I have passed the 4k hour mark on arma I gave up and stop playing games.
  14. 0 points
    Its a pretty nice drawing. Good attention to detail!
  15. 0 points
    //DENIED You will not be unblacklisted as you are a general risk and have displayed toxic behavior throughout the community since your blacklist. You need to learn to act responsibly and follow the rules. “The changed soviet stitch” I believe is steps backwards and is miles away from unblacklist. Re-appeal in 2 Months
  16. 0 points
    Pretty good you can hold mouse 1
  17. 0 points
    Cant be thankful enough for the work and effort the wonderful staff of this server put in day in and day out
  18. 0 points