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Showing content with the highest reputation since 12/13/18 in Reports

  1. 3 points
    you buy the liceense but it still tells you you need to pay to process without a license
  2. 1 point
    https://gyazo.com/c63fc275c9a54abf6a3f5f83d0e66e68 Doesn't even pull a weapon from his holster?
  3. 1 point
    I have repeatedly recieved a notification in game saying my gold has gone to level 2 (at least 3 times) yet everytime I look in the proficiency in the Y menu it is still level 1
  4. 1 point
    you cant cook fish with the campfire
  5. 1 point
    When you leave your gang to join another one you will join the original gang after logging
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Two of the lights at Westpac can be shot out, the other two can not. very annoying The ones circled are the ones that you can't shoot out.
  8. 1 point
    - Add Fish Market in Sydney.
  9. 1 point
    when deployed one of the smokes is tear gas now.
  10. 1 point
    After the attempted fix of not being able to pull restrained players out of vehicles, a common bug has arisen. This bug makes players inside of vehicles restrained. Example: I had another player pull a hunter out, I got into it (when they gave me keys) and the game acted if I was restrained, I could drive the vehicle but could not eject/get out. (Got the owner to store = fixed). Most of the time i've seen it happen it only happens to the driver of the vehicle and anyone restrained inside of it (pulling out restrained players still does not work). Especially annoying for police whose job comprises of putting restrained people in their vehicles and attempting to pull them out.
  11. 1 point
    simple, you land on the air fuel station and it doesnt refuel
  12. 1 point
    A cruise control feature for use in cars would make sticking to the speed limits easier and would save me from getting arthritis by the time I'm 25
  13. 1 point
    When you remove seatbelt then get out of a car you can not unlock or un-holster weapons. but if you get out of vehicle without removing seatbelt key binds are fine. ?
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    So I wanted to craft a couple of bergen backpacks, one of the required items is 5 x HEMP each HEMP requires 5 x weed so to make sure i had enough i harvested 60 marijuana leaf, processed it into 60 weed and then crafted 12 x HEMP that i put into my personal inventory. logged off ...came back later and went to retrieve my crafted HEMP and guess what ...gone Guys when you spend all this time gathering up gear to use and it vanishes on you for no good reason then one tends to get a bit pissed off. now i know that leaf and weed are illegal items but once crafted into HEMP then this should be legal....it is no longer a drug. It seems that just about every legal activity that I try is plagued by some bug or another. I can understand why people are reluctant to report any "game exploit or mechanic that can be abused for personal gain" when so much of the mechanics results in personal loss. I would be happy to find one that would make up for what I have already lost and my guess is that is how many people would feel.
  16. 1 point
    I am a solo civilian salt miner, I have a large truck, after a lot of work i may have +300 refined salt in my truck. if I garage the truck, when i retrieve it the salt is gone, the water bottle and tool box that i had stored with it are still there so why not my salt. it is not an illegal item and should be retained through the garage/retrieval system like the toolbox, water bottle, and any other legal item. P.S it takes a long time (1 to 2hrs) to mine and process that much salt only to have it vanish with a server restart. It's bad enough with all the thieves and murderers doin there best to relieve me of my hard earned without bugs like this weighing in as well
  17. 1 point
    I don't get a notification whenever someone msg me or anything else and this is really ****ing annoying. I have heard of other people getting this and making a new profile fixes it but it didn't for me it just came back when I logged on the next day. This is major as stupid shit happens like you get "rdmed" even tho it wasn't and recently I lost a 2.8 mil bounty because I never saw a dec from cops like this is so ****ing stupid! https://gyazo.com/e75ddd61d78627f0bf6662a9b5f4be65 https://gyazo.com/ce7257df73860bb3cc4d4ca6c9206388 https://youtu.be/OXK4e1H6DA4 Its a Arma glitch with the custom hud deletes everything never happened to me before so may still be a bug.
  18. 1 point
    G'day admin and mod this is iamjack, today i have been logged on police while i am still on holiday. because i am using my tablet to play arma, there is little thing i can do, so i decided to pull out some UAV to help GD from sky. i have no problem opening the UAV terminal as well as renting UAV from Heli Shop. i Rented 2 UAV and sent them to 2 different places using waypoint and set the att to 200m. after the UAV reached the location i was set. i try to gain control of UAV by clicking UAV driver control. and then shit happen, i got perma banned by the anti-cheat for hacking. i have been using this tablet playing arma for all my holiday time so it is not something new, and i have no idea why the glitch happened. i have no video of what have happened, but i have the SS of the ban message. i have reported this to mitch and bodyboarder in helpdesk and i am providing all info that i know hopefully the bug can be identity. thanks you support team. iamjack
  19. 1 point
    Every single police helicopter skin is called 'Police'. Makes it quite annoying having to pull out a heli and having to have a mission of trial and error the pull out the correct skin from your garage.
  20. 1 point
    Ok so recently the server has gone down in population severly so im going to give a few ideas for the server. 1. Put KOS island back to where it was down at the bottom of the map 2. Put less restrictions on the KOS store and make it so when theres either 10-20 cops that's when KOS is open 3. make runs easier, no one wants to sit there for around 1/2 - 1 hour just doing 1 run 4. Possibly within the near future a gang points system could be implemented, where a player would receive “war points” for killing enemy gang members whilst in the KOS zones, these points would be used for buying rare and unique items ie suppressors, different coloured guns etc from a separate shop. Points would be deducted if you were killed by an enemy gang member in the KOS zone vice versa. @rza idea 5. Delivery convoy: To promote further Police V Gang combat the existing delivery missions could get another option which would be a Money Convoy for instance, where you are tasked with delivering a Truck from one point of the island to another, the vehicle is fitted with GPS tracking which Cops are able to see via their maps. The Cops would track this vehicle and attempt to prevent it from reaching its final destination in which the driver of the truck would receive funds, similar to a Westpac robbery for delivering the vehicle. Allied gang members of the driver would be tasked with protecting the truck from the Police threat in order to get it to the drop off point. The Police V Gang combat is quite tasteless as it currently stands there are only banks robberies which are all about holding angles, whereas this allows more venture and exploration into the rest of the island, the combat would be constantly changing and it has more “flavour” than plain declaring on people and Quillin fighting as there is no objective other than to kill each other. With this there is added incentive to stop the gang from completing the mission and motivation to prevent the cops from interfering. Also @rza 's idea 6. Also maybe change the bank as it is a little to easy to hold for the rebels maybe try and find a balance were it's just about in the middle.
  21. 0 points
    Cop Speed radar doesn't work. The box doesn't even show up
  22. 0 points
    I'm senior det and in our srt shop we can buy AKM's but no ammo