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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/16 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    ------- Damnnnnnn Cake, back at it again with the timelapse. I gave up on trying to get an aerial shot of the Market with a Police drone or hovering a helicopter at a certain distance so instead I gathered my footage from elsewhere. Another 24-hour in-game time lapse of the most common area Sydney market. Next timelapse? You decide! Thanks Sebastian for tazing me several times and too worried trying to get a naked civilian off the roof causing no-harm than someone stealing a police SUV right next you to. You da real MVP! Sorry I hardly dealt with people in Help-desk today, was more focused on making this lmao, don't kill me.
  2. 3 points
    Please do not post negative or pointless comments. So, Cartel, a niche lifestyle. For me it seems like it would have an appeal to organised and social players, it opposes the Rebels, plenty of scope for gunfights, good earning potential if you Police your fields. In the edit of the rules Cartel gets some new abilities, powers they can invoke in dealing with Police. This can be brought forward and discussed. Due to either lack of planning or flat out abuse of the trust of players/staff and rule breaking a gap exists for a strong cartel to emerge. To this end I am recruiting. This new cartel will be a side project, I will not be in it but it will have my attention. I will be looking for small gangs or social lone wolfs keen for a group to play in. Its time to get the RP and play that Cartel allies and is designed for up and running. I won't be dictating actions of intruding but I will be helping and liaising in my Admin and Police roles, holding each seperate. Cartel Control drug field. Repel attackers/thieves. Tax people. Run drugs yourself. Cant rob bank/fed but can respond. If fed stopped they "reclaim" the gold. Good ability to counter Rebels and be tactical. Lots of action. Patrolling, ambushing, gathering Intel, RP as ruthless. Great RP. If played well can get wealthy. Cartel gang base lays unused. Can be given over to new cartel as incentive. So if this sound like the life for you or your gang/group and you feel like you want to get involved then post below or message me. Leadership of the group will lead it, not me, and it will not be interfered with. We need a strong cartel to help the server. Let me know or ask questions below. -Spec
  3. 2 points
    Evening All Bit of a Video Competition for you role players out there. Are you a serious role player? Can you Record videos? The competition is the best video that is 10 Minutes long, about the best roleplaying session, this includes roleplay as a medic, cop, rebel, cartel or civilian, in any scenario you want, let your imagination take control, what i want to see is. Creative role play Serious Heavy RP Video of it at least 10 Minutes long Tell us a story or Show us your best roleplay Reward is 15 Million Dollars straight to your bank account Most Funniest role play will be a prize pool of 5 Million Dollars Weirdiest Role play will be a prize pool of 5 Million Post your videos below! Let the role play begin, and good luck all Entry Closes 7th of June 2016 at 8:00pm Sydney Time
  4. 1 point
    If you really need money go diver in the Maria or the edge of the Airfield you can get 20+ crates in there, also joining a team on Teamspeak with some other people helps alot a few people that come on ts are have a capped bank and can give you extra gear/tanks from missions.
  5. 1 point
    Just latch on to people, join groups and learn from other people and please please please don't think and play like it's call of duty or Americas army or anything like that. It's a totally different gameplay
  6. 1 point
    @Nippleez yes I get that but that's how everyone starts. They suck, they learn, they get better as we all have.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    $1500 buys you a 7.62 rifle some ammo and a decent scope. Ples get good and you will be fine
  9. 1 point
    Many thanks all, have done all the things i can think of and am now able to access server, i think main culprit from memory of past was to delete the battle ye folder as it reinstates on start up, however i did a dozen other things including changing values within the code and now get a bit better frame rate... Will one day build me a comp that gets 20fps+ for more than 15 seconds at a time! lol... Now just getting to grips with the map and trying all areas of income... I may seem quiet and going solo on the server for a while until i get to full grips with how the entire game runs, as i dont want to step on anyone's toes with early unintentional mistakes.... Again many thanks for help
  10. 1 point
    @Porter this is me and you right here!!
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    omg the thought of seeing what rebel 1 is going to be like
  13. 1 point
    Another amazing video. Have put the video in the featured video widget on the sidebar. Maybe your next video could be rebel 1/2 spawn or a drug dealer/field/processor
  14. 1 point
    Welcome Jazz Ever tried Garry's Mod? If you have or if you haven't I'd recommend checking out our DarkRP. It's not finished yet but it is currently open for beta. Yours Sincerely, Robert/Loopy
  15. 1 point
    Yo Jazz Welcome to our awesome forum community :3 Regards. Unit_3397.
  16. 1 point
    Welcome @Jazz! Not sure if you own ArmA3 or have any interest in it, but if you do. I recommend playing it, it certainly isn't much like ROK or Rust but is a great game and will give you lots of good memories and times. Enjoy your time here at StrayaGaming, See you around. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya around //
  17. 1 point
    Welcome to the forum!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    List of games I play: Arma 3.... ugh Arma 3 and, Arma 3.
  20. 1 point
    Thank's guy's, the SG team do work hard for the community and it makes us very happy to see this feed back, Big thanks guy's.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point