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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/17 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    While yes i potentially could have started this under suggestions. i placed it here instead as it will be more of a discussion topic then a suggestion topic. with that said. if you guys have some missions you would like to see on the server. leave the suggestions down below. (please note these missions will be scaled based on available players and numbers on server.)
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    Hopefully this makes sense - I'd love to have a way to see what player specialisation/class slots are in-use/available when I'm in-game. Two examples to help explain: "Is there a UAV operator on"? If the UAV operator doesn't respond on TS (could be there is none, they're not in there or they're not listening), it would be helpful to be able to open up map, or maybe a window via the Home key and see if the UAV slot is taken (without having to go back to the lobby). "Is there a spare X slot"? If I'm in-game and thinking about swapping to another specialisation it would be nice if I could see if that's possible (or if it's overpopulated and thus I might pick something else or stay as-is) without aborting the current game and going back to the lobby. I understand this probably isn't the highest of priorities but I thought I'd throw it out there to, hopefully, add it to the list :) I tried googling this concept to see if there was anything out there about this but couldn't find anything. Not sure if that's because I don't know enough Arma modding/dev/server/hosting terminology, no one else wants to do this or this isn't possible. I'm happy to research some more but I'd need a bit of a help along with regards to what I'd be looking for. P.S. @=S.N.A.F.U.= might say this is his idea, but I totally voiced it first :D
  5. 1 point
    This is great hahahahahaha @Al Shabab @Al Shebab
  6. 1 point
    Not going to lie, possibly the funniest/cheesiest thing i've seen people on the server come up with, but tbh i love it Tank drivers when they see your car hurtling towards them be like
  7. 1 point
    From the start, Premium Members have enjoyed a generous variation of different monthly prizes, and despite the creativity of the StrayaGaming staff, we would be remiss if the community wasn't as involved as possible. As such, we want to hear from you. What prizes would you like to see in the coming months? Had your eyes on something but never found the right time to drop the cash? Now is your chance to find it in the monthly prize pool! From PC Peripherals and components to digital media of all kinds, this opportunity is set to save you big on the things you want! Have your say! The more suggestions we get, the more of what you want can be up for grabs! Remember, the more premium members we have the bigger and better giveaways we can do! Submit your suggestions here The poll will close on Thursday, August the 31st Cheers, SG Community Team
  8. 1 point
    edit: got told i was dumb for my reply by a very valuable member of the community better remove that ;(
  9. 1 point
    This is what makes servers fun but for some reason they keep pushing this "Roleplay" stuff to extremes when nobody even really does it you got people who do stupid stuff then say yeh its "Roleeeeeeplayyyyyyy" and literally mock it Now you have a server where a rebel gets a ban for bringing a rebel gun in a circle you created a safe space for fairies the civ has nothing to do but try to shoot people in sydney and the cop gets disciplined for using his weapon to defend civs and his fellow officers Already brang this up 2 weeks ago and it was recently raised on cop as well 1.Too many restrictions on rebels and where they can and can't go 2.Too many restrictions as a cop + stupid amount of protocols that need complete rewrite As i said over and over more rules does not = better gameplay sometimes less = more and right now the server is a perfect example of how more = less p.s The reason i originally chose to play here over darkside was because of less rules / restrictions and no kavala safe zone
  10. 1 point
    I'd really like to see more smaller scale missions/objectives in the main AO that can earn players 'brownie points' (so to speak) with zeus, like if they do the mission they can request a supply drop or a vehicle drop that zeus can deploy (Because the pilots are so reliable). EDIT: And when i say vehicle drop i mean like a prowler or something, not an MBT or anything silly like that
  11. 1 point
    @Wex I was talking to @Pezza about the break from cop option and it seems good, allowing cops to have some freedom in regards to factions. Further clarification would have to be made in regards to if the days are to be consecutive or whenever you want as well as gang affiliation at the time. I think that you should be allowed to put tags on during these 5 days and that they should be whenever you want, allowing cops to jump on civ if they are having a shit day or just want a break from the formalities of cop.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    awesome. and to prove the fact of that i could turn that into a small scale mission. a rogue sniper training camp. *insert salute here*
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I see all these posts about "old straya' And I think the thing that was really appealing about the old server was the fact that it was essentially a "structured" warzone (And I use that term lightly). One thing that always popped into my head was, the narrative of the server is rebels and cops at war, and damn they do a good job of reaching that narrative. The demilitarisation of both sides has turned that warzone into an attempt at roleplay. The server pop is reflective of this, and I think the old server was truly a unique gamemode. By constantly enforcing that it was a roleplay server it was pushing people to do something that the server wasn't actually being used for, and in my opinion if the server had gone for more of a "constant battle with rules about engagement" it could have and can still be very interesting. The main thing in this though is you'd have to find a way for civs to be balanced into the mix, but I think it's possible. And whilst I don't mean to push anyone away from straya, if you really want a hardcore roleplay experience there are other servers out there to suit your tastes. It was basically one huge game of overthrow the island, with politics, money making, and cops involved. I think that if many of the features had been moved away from requiring staff to being automated we could have had and we can still have a thriving server. Please take everything I say with a grain of salt, this is just my opinion, and simply a reflection of the past.
  17. 1 point
    Another thing I just thought of to make a FOB viable is to maybe have some AI AA there. Whether it's in the form of a cheetah or an AI AA squad. This could create a safety corridor for incoming pilots, and a fallback safe zone for the armor. It would also be good to protect the armor limping back to the fob for repairs & rearm. I agree with @decibel_spl that the place is a graveyard. The AA & maybe even a patrol squad (AI) would be cool.
  18. 1 point
    Perhaps a nice little thing which would make going to the FOB better would be once the FOB is activated, have the typical AI squads and equipment spawn there to make it feel alive. It's kinda weird when you go to the FOB when an AO is right near and there's just no one and nothing there - makes it a bit dead
  19. 1 point
    if a certain amount of civs are killed enemy AI dressed as rebels spawn to show insurgency?
  20. 1 point
    Invade & Annex Server Rules These rules are enforced in addition to our Community Guidelines. These rules may be changed at any time without warning. If you have any issues, queries or comments, feel free to get in touch with a staff member These rules are subject to the discretion of our staff. General 1. Hacking and mission exploitation will not be tolerated. 2. Advertising of other communities will not be tolerated. 3. Intentional teamkilling/team-damaging will not be tolerated. 4. Excessive, unintentional teamkilling may result in a kick/temp ban. 5. Unnecessary destruction of BLUFOR vehicles will not be tolerated. 6. Hate speech, racism, discrimination, abuse, and bullying is strictly prohibited within our community. (This includes telling a pilot they suck) 7. Firing a weapon on base--unless at an enemy--may result in a kick/temp ban. 8. Artillery/mortar/CAS use must follow the Rules of Engagement (ROE) at all times https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/topic/15329-ia-jetcasartillery-roe/ 9. Griefing and obstructive play will not be tolerated. This includes stealing another player's vehicle or equipment. 10. This is a co-op server. Exclusive play, such as teamkilling another group at Side missions or calling it for your own group, will not be tolerated. 11. Players wishing to use rewards gained from successfully completing Side Missions must ask the player/group who completed the mission if it is okay to do so. The reward is forfeited if 15 minutes have passed since the reward was issued. 12. Where applicable, you should try your best to perform the duties of your chosen class - medics are expected to revive and treat incapacitated/injured players, engineers are expected to repair vehicles, etc. Failure to do so can result in removal from the role. 13. A staff member's decision is final. If you disagree with a decision or believe it was made in error, please do not abuse our staff members, instead submit a ticket on our Discord. 14. If you encounter any issues or see someone breaking the rules, do not take matters into your own hands. Please submit a support ticket on our Discord and include any evidence you have (screenshots, video, etc.) - one of our staff will resolve your issue as soon as possible. Communications Voice and text chat 1. Spamming comms will not be tolerated. 2. Arguing on comms will not be tolerated. 3. Shouting/screaming/ear-rape/soundboarding on comms will not be tolerated. 4. Excessive conversation irrelevant to the game or by non-pilots in the Discord Aviation channel will result in your removal from the channel. Pilots have priority over other players in this channel. 5. Music is allowed in vehicle/direct chat but must be turned off if requested. Aviation Pilots have their own specialised roles, therefore they come with additional responsibilities. If you have any issues with a pilot, please report the player to a staff member. Pilots must ensure that they are not flying over or near Side Missions that can trigger a timer or cause the enemy to change to an alert state. Heli pads 1-4, the Medevac pad, and the grassed area are to be used as a staging area for passenger transport helis & VTOLs ONLY. Grassed area may also be used as an emergency landing area if required. It is in the best interest of pilots to call their movements when flying around base (e.g Crossing runways, Landing Pad 2/Dusting Pad 2). This should prevent confusion and accidental crashes at base. Please note that pilots are not obliged to follow instructions from a person playing as ATC (Air Traffic Controller), it is up to each pilot if they wish to comply or not. If we determine your piloting skills to be incredibly subpar or disruptive to other players (including in Discord), you may be blacklisted from the role. 1. All pilots and the UAV operator MUST be on our Discord server--in the correct Aviation channel--and communicative. Your microphone can be muted but your speakers must be unmuted at all times. Exception if Discord is down or full. 2. You MUST be a pilot to fly an aircraft. If you are a non-pilot and there are less than 20 players on the server, then you may fly a helicopter in co-pilot. If there are over 20 players: Non-pilots may fly a Hummingbird to and from Side mission only. Pilots are not permitted to fly the Hummingbird located northeast of base (at 'Side' base). Non-pilots are not permitted to fly the Hummingbird(s) at main spawn. 3. Please respect the Discord pilot queue by checking Aviation channel chat. This is done by typing "P1, P2" for Transport Pilots and, "F1, F2" for Fighter Pilots. If you jump the queue, you will be removed from the slot. If someone has jumped the queue in front of you, inform a staff member. Delete your post once you have received a slot. If a pilot's game crashes, it is up to the next pilot in the queue whether they take the slot or wait for the previous pilot to return. 4. At server restart, the pilot slots are first in, first served. Your position in the queue is irrelevant. If you are waiting in the queue near restart time, try your best to get a slot at restart or continue waiting. In the event of a server crash or unscheduled restart, pilots retain their slots where possible. 5. CAS pilots and UAV operators must follow the ROE at all times https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/topic/15329-ia-jetcasartillery-roe/ 6. Only 1 pilot is allowed per aircraft. Exception is if a pilot has requested evac. 7. Transport pilots must land their aircraft on one of the marked pads on the apron at main spawn. If all pads are occupied, find a suitable place to land nearby, such as the grassed area behind the pads. Pilots must give priority to all aircraft needing the Medevac pad. It shall remain clear unless all other marked pads are occupied, or if needed for a priority tasking. The Vehicle Transport Blackfish is to be used to transport vehicles and supply crates ONLY. Transportation of troops in the Vehicle Blackfish is not permitted unless they are in a loaded vehicle. The Vehicle Transport Blackfish is not permitted to land on or near Helipads and must use the Airlift Pad located on the taxiway near runway 22R/04L. All Vehicle and Cargo transport must be loaded from the Airlift pad. 8. Pilots must not play as infantry while in a pilot slot. This includes completing, or attempting to complete, infantry objectives (e.g. Radio Tower, CSAT Commander). Pilots can wait a maximum of 5 minutes for repairs/evac. 9. You must be able to fly AND LAND any aircraft with reasonable competence. If you do not have experience in any aircraft, you may be asked to leave the role. 10. This is a public server. Aircraft are not private/reserved transport. A pilot’s primary role is to provide timely, efficient, and indiscriminate transport of players, vehicles, and cargo to and from objectives for all players. 11. If you are an inexperienced pilot, please consider the time and enjoyment of others. The editor is there for a reason. If you see any player in violation of the above rules, contact a staff member on Discord by submitting a support ticket, or typing !admin ingame.