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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/18 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Regular Player Name (Which you are most known for): ... Frank Snow ArmA 3 UID/Steam64ID: ... 76561198305511485 Why should you be unbanned before the Month: ... I feel that I should be unbanned because I want to play on straya made a lot of friendships here and don't want to throw that away. I would also like to finish filming my meme montage that I am currently making. Why should the community trust this apology, given that you were lying and/or being deceptive when being questioned (Only applicable if you were lying/being deceptive - I will tell you if this was the case): ... I feel the community should trust me again because i will never dupe again the only reason i duped was for self-gain just before the server gets wiped and so i could have fun without doing 10hours+ of runs( which currently has no point because server is being wiped) to make a decent amount of money to survive the week with the kit I play with. I only fight SRT and the cop force because all the gangs are 'bots' and I don't die to them I only die to SRT making them a challenge and i enjoy challenges due to them having op guns like m320's and level 5 vests etc which can get quite annoying. But at the end of the day i will never dupe again on straya please forgive me and have a good day :)
  2. 3 points
    https://ibb.co/iyzwKy https://ibb.co/cXNu6d https://ibb.co/cKFssJ https://ibb.co/cWpJXJ Check this out. A new destroyer for jets DLC in dev build. You can walk all the way from the rear pad to the bridge. And there is a new Vertical launch system and a 120mm gun to mount on it. When this comes out could we create a HEMMT 120mm mobile gun system? I am not sure if the server could use this at all. We have not gone with the carrier, but maybe the components could be used with attachto. And we are also getting s400 long-range SAM systems and radar for OPFOR and BLUFOR. https://ibb.co/nGBXsJ As well as a boat-rack, and briefing desk + screen. The big square thing is the vertical launch system for guided rockets. No navy uniforms yet tho.
  3. 3 points
    Regular Player Name (Which you are most known for): Slaze ArmA 3 UID/Steam64ID: 76561197995689143 Why should you be unbanned before the month : I believe that i should be unban before the month ban is over because before i was ban i was trying my best to help out the server running events with axle and trying to help in anyway. Why should the community trust this apology, given that you were lying and/or being deceptive when being questioned (Only applicable if you were lying/being deceptive - I will tell you if this was the case): The community can trust this apology due to the fact that i only did it because of self gain i didn't want to ruin the servers economy i just tried to make some easy cash. over the last week i have been playing other strayagaming arma 3 service's trying to regain my reputation by doing this im trying to prove that im trust worthy and deserve to be unban and the community should be able to trust me, I have also never got ban for doing anything this bad before so. If im unban i will promise to never dupe or exploit again.
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
    Enjoy the vid ladies and gents
  6. 1 point
    Name: Det. Harry Callsign: K29M Rank: Senior Constable Training Completed By: Travis List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: Peter, _Thomson, Garry, Sir. Lagsalot, Other, OakUnicorn, Fossil, Gusta, Snow, Turtle Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min): I believe that I am a very valuable asset to Altis Police General Duties, Detectives division as well as the Altis Police Academy. I continue to put in 110% effort in ensuring that the Altis Police Department is always developing itself and going forward rather than backwards. I believe that the different skills I have learnt in my time from the Altis Police Department could be further utilized and developed from receiving a promotion to the rank of Sergeant so I am able to better lead and command fellow officers. Who would recommend you for a promotion? HAMME, Det. Rolex, Tsunami, Travis, Kat, Sagara, S.Det. Martyn, Det. Hong Hui Chen
  7. 1 point
    i thought it was gonna be a sick anime intro edit but i was severely disappointed
  8. 1 point
    Hello all, Recently Windows 10 decided to add yet another "feature" and not tell you about it and frankly if Overwolf hadnt have told me I'd be clueless too. This is potentially another crash fixer to add at your discretion. WARNING: THIS REQUIRES YOU TO EDIT YOUR REGISTRY. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY. Their are actually 2 methods: 1. If you have an xbox account enabled in windows 10 follow these istructions or continue to method 2. Open Xbox app, you can access it via the start menu search. Sign in - this should be automatic if you normal sign into Windows. The cog in the bottom left access the settings menu. Head to GameDVR at the top and turn it off. 2. If you dont have a xbox account enabled on your windows account follow below very carefully Open Registry Editor (Run > regedit) Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore Set the value of DWORD "GameDVR_Enabled" to 0 Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\ Create key "GameDVR" Create DWORD 32bit called "AllowgameDVR" and set to 0 It was also pointed out in the link that nvidia have just released a new driver which will help mitigate some of these new "feature" issues. Any questions feel free to ask. The original post is here: https://www.pcgamesn.com/how-to-turn-off-gamedvr-windows-10
  9. 1 point
    What would be more fun is seeing a flight of nostalgic Vietnam War era like heli's: the Hellcats. I suggest that Ghost Hawks should be replaced by these heli's (in both Tanoa and Altis server). It would make the pilots more busy due to the low capacity of this type of aircraft. I would like it to be the armed version with mini-guns on both sides and is colored in olive green; although, if you could implement a skin that would be sick. However, that is just my opinion and personal taste.
  10. 0 points
  11. 0 points
    Name: Sean Player ID (If Blacklisted): [RCC] Sean Date of Disciplinary Action: Like 4-6 months ago What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: An admin idk which one Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Letting my mates go after they'd been arrested. Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] I have matured since then and take Altis life much more seriously, and I was a good cop up until this point. I would like a second chance. I didn't play strayagaming too much back when I got blacklisted so I didn't think about the consequences, but now I have realized that it's pretty decent and I enjoy playing it, and I want to have some responsibility not just playing civ, so to conclude, please un-blacklist me from cop, I apologize for what I did and look forward to helping the law force. Any other information:
  12. 0 points
    30k is nothing for a wealthy lad like me. I suggest the MO$ gets raised to 250k for the purpose of balancing the economy and so I have something to waste my money on :)
  13. 0 points
    It would be nice for a change.