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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/19 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Hey, Just a small patch to correct the significant bug found over the last couple of days
  2. 2 points
    First of all, i feel its time to clear the air on AoW a little bit and try change the way people perceive us ( After that we will move onto ramming ), Everyone is entitled to an opinion but its easy to have an image drawn without the full backstory. We have 3 EU players in a 20 man gang. ( Can anyone actually name them, Or is it presumed all AoW is EU when you die?) who won’t be affected by the ping change they all play well below the change ( 500 to 400 was actually pretty high anyway in hindsight it's a minor change ). This restriction will have a bigger effect on Australians with internet that spikes and other foreign players on the server with a bad link. Example: Jeb, Jot, iamjack, Chris, Bob, luke, Home, We are painted as the big bad rebel gang that's out to dismantle the police force, however this isn’t the case. Most of us want to see the APD succeed, we need them to survive for us to survive. The current state of the server is fueled by Cop vs Rebel content and one cannot operate without the other. A few of our members may occasionally bash cops, but this goes both ways. There are multiple cops who enjoy the banter and memes ( Toxicity is punished ) . We currently have a decent relationship with a number of police players in and outside of the game and we’d like to keep it that way. We have helped the server progress which a lot of people don’t recognise ( See below ) - Rejected bribery and an attempted poaching from another server and stuck by while other top gangs left. - Provide feedback on both police and rebel faction - Provided content in the form of media to the community (Montages, etc) - Worked with senior staff on event and event ideas - “Adopt A Gang” Program, Were we work with smaller gangs to help grow them. - Worked with @James32 to create a rebel discord for ALL rebel players and gangs - Provided CQC and OG arm servers at our expense for anyone to use and practice. We are one of the only few top gangs left in the server. There’s currently AoW and Sequel who stand a fighting chance against the police in major crimes. If you push the rebels out, the cops will spend most of their time in Sydney and major crimes will become dead content. There are many reasons why the APD is currently struggling at major crimes, 2-3 EU players is not one of them. The leading factor we feel is armour on armour, You stack multiple officers into a hunter and the driver is often someone who does not know who to deal with rams, which results in multiple deaths for stupid reasons ( Ramming is an art, If not done correctly you die ) . For someone that is experienced with how ramming works, they’re going to have an advantage over someone who doesn’t regardless of the ping difference between the two drivers. Moving forward, Personally and alot of us within the gang agree the problem lies with armour on armour ramming, Coupled with people who don't understand how ramming works and the fact that Arma 3 has terrible physics when it comes to collisions. Having a high ping might have some minor advantage but not to the point its game breaking. A good example here is the APD has some very high ping players who always die to rams as they don't understand how it works. There are multiple factors that contribute to the broken state of ramming on the server. -FPS -Multiple people and vehicles in a single area. (Refer to the start of this video around 20 seconds in) Here) Credit @Asnee -Server performance -Hitbox ( Here , Sorry lads blew the design budget on EU Recruitment ) -Ping Spikes and bandwidth -Broken Arma Physics ( Refer too Here ) With everything stated above its easy to see why it should be looked into, There are so many factors that can change the outcome of if someone lives or dies. Examples of how ramming is broken and server performance issues underload (None of these were done by players with high ping): Example 1. ( Both Australian, Both 20 ping ) Example 2. ( Space ifrit from Australian on Australian ram ) Example 3. ( AoW dying to tower lag ) Example 4. ( Example of what EU deals with on AU servers ) Example 5 ( Another example of server lag and towers ) Rather than attempting to push out certain players within the community with a band-aid fix, Look at one of the leading causes that promoted the recent change and some ideas below to better it 1. Leave armour on armour a thing, Continue to let it cause issues and people complain. 2. Move it to the VDM ruleset, Remove ramming all together ( This will still probably upset people as its essential to rebel combat against HMG etc etc ) 3. ( Personally my favorite ) Add a seatbelt script as people have suggested. If seatbelt is active and you are rammed vehicle is disabled but you take no damage, Can't decamp ( leave vehicle ) until seatbelt is removed ( put on timer so it has risk v reward ) If seat belt is not active, You die as normal. ( This solution would also benefit sydney and trolls. ) ( Unsure the limitations on this though ) Credit to Martyn 4. Alternative fix not listed Closing Statement, At the end of the day this change doesn't affect how we will play on the server, If you wish to dislike us you are well within your rights, Just remember its a video game, We want to see all parties enjoy every aspect of the server its disheartening to see a few people with a target on their backs because people are upset. Believe it or not the EU lads are good dudes who have issues versing AU people too most of them play straya as a safe haven to chill and relax on ( They even enjoy playing police in the offpeak hours ), They use qilins as generally ifrits blow up and they die on impact. Both parties experience tower lag when the server is underload, Its unavoidable, Majority of us too hate ramming, Its bad combat and dirty. But its within the ruleset. I would rather throw us into the spotlight and let people see a little of what normally isnt if it opens a discussion on a fix Rather than have people pushed out of the community on both sides, Finally credit to @Wex For help and input provided in this post. Hopefully this can turn into a civil discussion and not expload into some toxic aids.
  3. 1 point
    Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if your answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Command. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y) Basics: - Name on Database: Keeno Callsign: [K05W] Rank: Senior Constable Age: 19 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: The Altis Police Department (APD) Academy division is perceived as the front line of the APD and is responsible for the training and enlistment of current and potential members of the Altis Police Department. As a current PolAir trainer it has been my recent joy to be able to conduct trainings and tests on individuals striving to achieve PolAir status; my neoteric promotion to Senior Constable has opened doors for me and has allowed me to dabble into the potential found within Academy by completing a few inductions. I enjoy the feeling of being approachable by both existing and new members for any questions regarding the APD and wish to expand my presence within the community. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: As an individual i take utmost pride in carrying myself with respect and responsibility. As stated above, Academy is the crux and front line of training and enlistment and is what potential and new members first experience and judge the APD on. I wish to be on that front line and show that the APD has the ability for its members to be of a mature standard. I almost have a constant presence on the respective databases and have the potential to be active on the forums for enlistments. Do you wish to work primarily in Enlistment, Training or Documentation? Why? (50 words min)?: Even though i have the capacity to operate all stated roles, after much thought i believe i would primarily work in the training department. However i wouldn't mind working in enlistment/documentation at the same time. The reason for this is due to my ability to adapt to what is needed as sometimes and possibly in the near future there is always a chance of a shortage within the division. Also, i do enjoy a bit of paperwork. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department Academy?: 4-6 hours per week possibly more but being humble at this point. Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? Not that i am aware of. Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y) By placing this application you acknowledge that any work you do for the APD can be edited by the Command Team and other Academy Officers without your consent. Any work you do for the APD remains the property of the APD. Any "Code Black" or confidential information you are given is to remain unreleased into the Community.
  4. 1 point
    Thank you! Back in the world is much better than nowhere.
  5. 1 point
    it's more just stupid pictures, than art. obviously seamy pics and collages are a favourite. and thanks again, I'm glad you like the skins
  6. 1 point
    thanks Joshua_, no, i'm not a graphics developer. I got into vehicle skinning and decals years ago in the old forza games on the xbox 360, are you've familiar with it? it's a bit different to creating skins on the pc, but has it's challenges I do other, mostly stupid, "art" stuff, too
  7. 1 point
    Perhaps the wisest words i've ever heard. Also a tip for op, use your keyboard a lot and outsmart the enemy. Tactical awareness can win you a lot more than just aim.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    These look great :D I would much prefer the plain cover, however
  10. 0 points
    love this post thanks @bouda118
  11. 0 points
    Well, for a non-graphics developer this can only be described as fantastic. What kind of art do you do?
  12. 0 points
    @nclem remember when we roled with just lethal around neri bank time no knockdowns just kill. shoot to kill but taze if possible