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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/18 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    Many of you don't know me, so I am going to take the time to tell you a bit about the day in a life of kiwisniper. What you are about to read is the truth about me none of which is made up... My days start 1-2 hours after I wake up ( BTW the sleep that leads to me being awake is 2 hours max ) Because that's how long it can take to get my body to finally move, some morning/afternoons depending on when I wake up I may have to use a machine to sstimulate the nerves in my back so that I may be able to move at which point I would come to the office and start checking my emails ( at which I have 5 accounts for diffrent uses ie, gaming, personal, hobby, studio, work, and so forth) and reply to those that need it. I am not working anymore because the condition I am in does not allow me to work, and I am unable to receive welfare as I am a kiwi so I do what odd jobs I can to get money ( mostly IT/PC and Jingle writing and some electronic repairs ). oh did I mention the pain from the moment I awake to the point where I can finally get sleep and that's if I cat get to sleep at all? See I this condition called Fibromyalgia as you may have read in the previous link this is not a nice thing to have there are no drugs that even come close to putting a damper on the pain and there is no way describe the pain either, but I will try, lets start with the fact that when the wind from outside or a fan blows on my legs its like have boiling hot oil poured over my legs while there are a thousand needles pricking me. I am also on a drug the could potentially kill me if the doctor gets the dose wrong and I have a weekly blood test for that. Oh did I mention that I am 38 years old and have to use a wheelie walker to get around, ya not cool for a young guy like me but oh well. I must say I have a really good understanding and loving lady in my life without her I would have been dead the day I finally found out what was wrong with me see to be formally diagnosed with my condition I had to have 8 months of tests and believe me some of the tests I never want to have again. about a year before I found out that I had fibromyalgia I was put into hospital with blood clots in my lungs so that in itself was a shock to the system and then the fibromyalgia. So to recap, I can barely walk unaided, I live with shit loads of pain all day long and live on maybe 7-10hours sleep a week.... so where does that lead to the SG Community? so when I got Arma and had played on the single player missions to the point where I was ready to uninstall it I decide to have a look to see if I can find a decent multiplayer server to play on, the first server I join is StrayaGaming and straight from the get-go I meet Mitch and yes there may be a few of you that don't like him and to be honest at times I felt like jumping in a hunter and running his ass over but I didn't and now im getting side tracked. I use Arma as a way to escape my pain and I have meet a lot of people on the server and a lot I consider to be very close with like brothers. like I said a lot of you don't know me and have probably never seen me in the game at all, you may have seen me at the help desk dealing with your issues, you may have seen me on the police force and if your really good you also may have seen me in with the medics under a different name. I guess what I am saying is SG is like a home away from home, I struggle every day with depression because of the pain I live with and if it weren't for a few member of this community I call home there would have been one less member. ( They know who they are ) If anyone needs someone to talk to about anything at all please make an effort to contact me I would be happy to talk with you and if I can help in any way I will. SG Intro
  2. 4 points
    Together forever mate, stay strong. You've always got a mate here.
  3. 3 points
    Update So I have just got home from a 1hr doctors appointment and what I would like to think is good news is that my doctor is pushing for me to have surgery on my leg its a step in the right direction and if all goes well will be one less thing to worry about, just to fill you in on my leg because of the condition I have I have a wound a little bit bigger then a 50 cent piece on my shine and it has never healed . Hopefully, this surgery will fix this once and for all, I don't know when it's going to happen I just know he is ringing the hospital now to put the hard word on them. Thank you to all for your kind words and yes we are all family, you are all like brothers to me.
  4. 3 points
    though this would be something something for a quick gaf
  5. 3 points
    With the current path of medicine and science @kiwisniper, hopefully a cure or remedy or FMS can be found sometime soon so you can get better :). Seeing you leave yesterday from the APD was kinda, well, baffling. I didn't expect you to ask me to remove you from all of the databases at all. It truly was a sad day in the eyes of the Police Academy as we lost you, our 2IC . I hope that eventually you will come back, as there always is a place for you within the Academy or StrayaGaming in general. Heck maybe even play Wasteland. Just saying, you sort of acted as a role model in Staff, Academy and the APD, In my experience you were one of the best people in the APD I could've and have worked with. Either way, go get better!
  6. 2 points
    Hey Kiwi, I am so sorry for the way that you have been living over the past, I have to say last year was a tough year, I had to have 2 surgeries on my bowel. I went through a stage of depression, where I thought that I didn't know what to do with myself. Reading this piece of inspiration sparked my mind, and got me thinking about how every day only gets better. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you only get better as the days go on. Good luck for the future, for you and your family. Sincerely Jesse
  7. 2 points
    Although you probably don't know me that well if at all, I hope the best for the upcoming tests and for your and your family's future. If you need anything, remember that we are a community and we're all here to help out each other.
  8. 2 points
    Although I may not know you or have felt the pain you've gone through, i am deeply sorry to hear about this medical disorder that's restricting you from enjoying certain things in life... I am at a lost for words on what else to say... im just touched on how you continually manage to fight back and stay strong even as things seems slim... Godbless you and i wish the best for your future!!! ~ Regards Andy
  9. 1 point
    Wasteland Stratis Version 4.0.0 & 4.1.0 UPDATE In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version. Sorry these patch-notes were a few days delayed, I got preoccupied with the festive season Development N.B. This list of changes is not everything, it’s just what I felt were the most significant changes General Changes - Added - Implemented advanced building system Added - Added hacker mission (very low spawn odds) Added - Added escalating cost for multiple purchases of OP vehicles in the same restart (15% increase compounding)(falcon, black wasp, wipeout for now) Added - Added support for dynamic pricing changes in the Store UI to go with the escalating costs Added - Added console logging of more in game events to assist administrators and finding bugs Added - Added some new vehicles to random vehicle spawn list Added -Added 2 new arrays to the vehicle store, one for strong vehicles we may want to restrict individually and one for UAV's Added - Added a bunch of new skins Tweak - Changed heli and plan Dmg models (buff) Tweak - Adjusted mission probabilities Tweak - Adjusted cost of a variety of vehicles Tweak - Modified spawn loudouts of random vehicles (removed LMG's from random spawn tables) Tweak - Adjusted AI difficulty very slightly Tweak - Adjusted configuration on logistics system Tweak - Adjusted inits to optimize how some scripts are run Tweak - Adjusted side relations to correct a bug Tweak - Adjusted how store objects are spawned to make the system more configurable Tweak - Multiple map updates: The return of central Less rocks Ocean terrain optimizations Reworks of several stores Re-positioned/reoriented some storekeepers Adjusted what vehicle categories can be bought from different storekeepers Tweak - Adjusted a bunch of desc EXT parameters such as cleanup time and added support for an intro song when i decide to add one Tweak - Assorted Bugfixes Deleted - Disabled several administration functions Deleted - Disabled Offensive skins Known bugs: Some issues loading crates into vehicles (not sure if this isa good balance change or if i should fix) Finding any Issues or bugs? Report your findings to our wasteland staff. Feedback/Suggestions are welcome
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    There is no Artillery computer on mortars which essentially make them a direct line of sight weapon, which obviously defeats the purpose of mortars. Can we get this added back in.
  12. 1 point
    Name: John Corleone Callsign: Don't have one Date of Disciplinary Action: 22nd of November What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Demotion and blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch and Smokey Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Throwing a civ in water and disrespecting cabinet Why the appeal should be accepted: So I understand that my last blacklist appeal was denied and my blacklist appeal date move a month forward for reasons that made no sense but like I said in my previous appeal I understand that what I did was wrong when I threw the civilian in the water I understand that what I said was wrong and that I should of waited a day or two before coming back to talk to cabinet but with my time of the server and cop I've changed and would like to come back to the cop force. Any other information: No
  13. 1 point
    Name: Frank Callsign: S30B Date of Disciplinary Action: 15/01 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: 2 week probation Who were you Disciplined by: ? Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Causing issues within the cop force Why the appeal should be accepted: Situation one: Sagara and I had minor beef that I had no knowledge about and was brought up to me from Axle and Sagara, we sorted that out and we were all good. Sagara then proceeded to whinge/talk shit behind my back specifically blaming me from the Tony Montana/Rhys Beckett situation. Axle was aware of this and pulled us into the channel and said we need to squash the beef and no more shit talk needs to ensue or who ever was causing the issues will be removed from detective. For two weeks after this I kept my mouth shut and didn't mention Sagaras name once but consistently had my fellow detectives coming to me saying he was talking shit about me and commenting that I shouldn't be a sergeant. I completely ignored this for about two weeks until I got sick of it and went to axle about the situation, Axle proceeded to confirm my concerns with the other detectives and verified that Sagara had been talking a lot of shit and dragging on this "beef" for no issue. Sagara then played the victim card and said "I want to work this out and not have any beef." how I saw it was I already gave him the chance to stop being rude behind my back and I shouldn't be forced into giving him another chance and that Jeb and Axle should of stayed true to their threat and dealt with it appropriately.(Note Axle and Jeb did remove Sagara from senior detective to detective until Excel got involved) After the incident myself and Sagara were both given warnings again for causing beef and I feel like that was very unfair as I have not tried to cause any issues and I went to Axle with a complaint and came out as the issue. Situation two: Proof 1: https://soundcloud.com/danny-prescott-139293864/asdfffff/s-CFUUw Proof 2:(Conversation afterwards no hostility just trying to be friendly) https://soundcloud.com/fusionable/daryl-g-incident Break down of the recording Starting clip: I was just trying to tell him as a friend you can't do that. He instantly gets angry and mutes himself you can hear me try to say "Im just doing it to back you up but he already muted" Second clip part: Me trying to get into the processing room and telling Daryl to get back on TS3 and unmute Third clip: Me talking to Fusionable about it Forth part of clip: Me approaching him ingame and him abusing me (Confirm with Inspector Phantom if he heard swearing going on from Daryl) http://prntscr.com/i0koc6 Fifth: Me giving him gate duty for disrespecting a higher up and him saying "I dont respect your authority" Situation in text: In detective gear in Sydney PD civilian calls me out for having rebel gear so I decide to roleplay with Virtual Seahorse into arresting me for this, when this has happened I overheard Daryl trying to get people added to the wanted list for crimes he did not witness as per HERE (sergeant responsibilities) it states to enforce GD protocols and to give warnings when lower ranks are not following them, As a friend of Daryls I decided to just talk to him and say "I hope you're not adding people to the wanted list for crimes you didn't witness" he proceeded to answer with "If you're in detective gear you can't enforce protcols on me and mutes(note this was in a very aggressive tone)." I proceed to try get him to unmute a few more times before I give up and let him finish processing. He left processing and went back to GD, I pulled him down to a different channel just to have a friendly chat not to punish him or get him in trouble (as you can hear in the video I say "no im not going to report daryl") my intention was never to get angry at him or get him in trouble it was purely for his gain/backing him up, he then left and refused to talk again saying I have no power to drag him down. I then go to him in game and say "Im not trying to have a go at you I am just trying to tell you as a friend"(or something similar you can hear it in the video) he then proceeds to tell me to **** off and he doesn't respect my authority/generally abuse me so I ask him to jump on the wall for 10 minutes just to cool down he proceeds to continue to abuse me and say I dont see you as someone of power so I will not listen to you. I then proceded to have a conversation with him and with fusionable to try resolve the issue you can hear it HERE. You can hear that I am non hostile and merely trying to give daryl some advice and he is hostile and unwilling to listen and stating that he is going to go off 2.0 protcols and we shouldn't be enforcing 3.0. Phantom then joined and tried to sort out the issue which he is very capable of but 7 cabinet/command people decided to join and get involved in it. I was then given a 2 week probation for initiating an issue. As you can hear in the recordings I am not hostile or aggressive at anytime or trying to cause issues. I make points about trying to do it as a friend and not wanting Daryl to be punished" Any other information: Both times in the past two days I have gone to someone trying to resolve an issue and it has been thrown back in my face. I feel like Cabinets perception of my character led them to believe Daryls side of the story without any proof that I was hostile and tried to cause issues. Phantom himself verified that Daryl G was abusive towards a higher up and he was given no punishment. A good way to compare this is that someone has gone to complain about someone in the work place and supplied good reason/proof that their claims are true and getting discipline for it. I request that Matthew, McCain, Bow and Milkdud review this appeal as I was given the punishment by the other parties of command/cabinet.
  14. 1 point
    I have noticed the fact that because of the 10000 reward when cops impound vehicles or the fact they don't need zip ties nor decent reason to restrain people has turned the police force into a group of "well dressed criminals that can get away with whatever". Recently a cop asked me for $100000 or he arrests me and I go back after walking somewhere out of the market and my vehicle has already been impounded. Others have been arrested for "breaking roleplay" and peeing in public spaces. Only because the cops want to make money out of the job and not help people. Nowadays if you join cops you get an instant bad rep because you just can't help but be a dick when you're allowed to. I think there should be a rule for bounty's that civs can get paid to decrease the attraction of being a cop. Giving the cops prison sentences for abusing their powers would help a lot to make cops a less hated faction.
  15. 1 point
    TrueBlue's wife has finally had their baby I would like to say on behalf of SG, congratz to him and the wife with the new baby. Surely You have a soccer mums car now... We hope everything goes well in the future. Anyone else feel free to leave a msg.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Hey Kiwi, i'm so deeply sorry to hear this, I hope that everything goes well for you in the future and that hopefully one day there is a cure for you disorder. Best of luck brother things will get better real soon I promise :) <3
  18. 1 point
    You're a good bloke Kiwi I truly hope things get better for you and your family, my door is always open if you ever want to talk about anything. I myself know people in a similar situation like yours where without others they would not be here today so i can understand where you are coming from. <3
  19. 1 point
    Wow @kiwisniper Your story hit me in the heart see my mum & dad have a simular issue my mum sometimes can barely walk an she would get extreme Headaches from her back an my dad sometimes passes out from the pain he gets in his knee's an back his knee's lock an his back has spasms the reason why I'm saying this is because I don't understand the pain but I can see the pain an that's just a small chip off the block compared to you. So I just wanna let you know that I don't know you well but from what I've seen from you an when I've talked to you, you seem like a top bloke! your humour is funny an you are mature an get straight to the point an yeah that Mitch quote is spot on sometimes ya do wanna run him over but at the end of the day his doing what his job is in the APD an on SG as a MOD plus once you actually get to know Mitch his a good bloke! funny as hell !! so Kiwi my dude stay strong hopefully everything gets better my dude an I'm sure there are a bunch of dudes in this Community that will sit down an listen cause I know I will be one of those dudes
  20. 1 point
    Thanks buddy, I just downloaded the mods. Thanks for pointing that out :D
  21. 1 point
    Stay strong brother.
  22. 1 point
    Congratz brother hope to see you soon :D
  23. 1 point
    Recently there have been some staff members that have either been getting bored with the work they are doing, or are unable to work appropriately with other staff members. Some have retired, some have been removed from staff and one has even been community banned as a result. I would like to point out that I am targeting the ex-staff members and making it very clear that we will never tolerate this kind of behavior. Unfortunately, when it comes down to it, this is the sad reality of any online gaming community. There is no legal obligation for staff to perform and act correctly, they are all volunteers. We entrust a lot of power and authority in the staff team, intending for it to be used to benifet the community. Sadly some staff will decide that they are leaving, or bored of the community. Due to the nature of the internet and anonymity, they elect to destroy whatever they can in an attempt to bring everyone and everything down with them. Here is a brief overview of recent incidents: Wasteland Over the past few weeks and months, Lucky B33f and I have been discussing at lengths about issues with Wasteland Staff abusing the powers that we have given them, to quite severe extents. In a recent patch we removed 90% of the 'fun' admin tools, this is purely due to the fact that no appropriate resolution could be made between the wasteland staff after multiple interventions to reduce the abuse of power. As a result of this YaMum the Administrator was removed from staff, Baden retired, and Unit Retired. Lucky B33f and I both identified multiple players receiving abuse from YaMum while under an alias. Additionally YaMum was responsible for the introduction of over 350 admin kits to the game and the utilization of player markers to gain an unfair advantage more than 200 time. For a comparison of kits between other staff, see the below numbers. Admin kits allow staff to spawn in items for them to use on either event or for general gameplay, we normally allow this as staff are usually unable to spend the same amount of time playing the game and building up their arsenal due to staffing work. Please note these results were recorded on December 19th. Admin Kits since Dec 1st Yamum 48 Unit 12 James 1 Excel 0 Baden 10 Total 71 Admin Kits since forever Yamum 320 Unit 22 James 38 Excel 49 Total 487 Altis Life We have permanently banned Krypkii from the community due to multiple breaches of community guidelines after he retired. Krypkii, after deciding to retired has proceeded to remove all community members from the Discord server. Spawn in money on Altis Life with Moderator tools and abuse moderator functions to hunt and kill other players. In this image Krypkii altered his bank account to give himself $80m These are the logs for Krypkii using the free cam function to teleport around the map and kill players.
  24. 1 point
    Hi All, I will be going through clearing out all of the private/donor channels, if you want to keep yours please comment below with your channel name and a good reason for it not to be removed. I'll clear them all out Sunday afternoon. If your channel was deleted and you would like to get it back, go to helpdesk and someone will create it for you.
  25. 0 points
    Is rock glitching a reportable offence. because Daniel the drone using dad abused teenager abuses rock glitching to use drones. Context: i was trying to get some static AT into a boat with a platform to go wipe out opfor at airfield on the ocean bed. i was taking fire really close to me but nothing was hitting me. so i was confused so i took cover and checked my area before recording after i concluded it was a rock glitcher. my lack of evidence to actually see him in the rock on the other hand is frustrating except the name i saw at the end of the video. I mainly checked behind me before checking everywhere else whilst i wasn't recording since i thought maybe he was just in bad cover. #freethefalcon