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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hey Guys This is my guide for you people who do not have ready access to a proper microphone. A lot's not as good as a proper microphone it can still do the job really well. Positives The plus side of it is that it makes roleplay and general gameplay a hell of a lot easier than. ZERO cost whatsoever Very short lag Available to both IOS (Android) and OS (Apple) Negatives The negative side is that you need to either pick up your phone to talk or have it close to your mouth all of the time. Guide to getting it working Click this to go the companies website. It has a more in-depth guide on the website if you have any trouble either consult that or myself. Sometimes it can be a little temperamental so give it a few tries.
  2. 1 point
    hey @Woolie hey man its christhesheep and today is R U OK day and i have known you for a while now and i have seen that you have had a hard life and that there are a lot of people here for you everyone goes through hard things in life and that's ok, everyone makes mistakes in life and everyone should be forgiven on what they have ****ed up in life. So i am here asking R U OK i hope so and have a good day Sir.
  3. 1 point
    Because you then walk the line of 'legal' or 'against the rules' You're also trying to juggle what the rebels say, versus what the cops say, versus what the mods say, and it doesn't help the mods constantly disagree with each other. The rule has been interpreted differently so many times by the staff team it's gotten out of hand. Since there's never been a concrete rule around it with the current rule set. For example contractors were never allowed to bring rebel weapons into city limits even with permits since they were rebel. However now that's not that case. Certain weapons were also listed as nonrebel/rebel by a public post of the APD forums a while ago (Which was only recently removed) because there was no actual list and that list contradicted how it currently is. However since James has just set it straight we finally have a reference to go off.
  4. 1 point
    Not that i’m An AL player... but why is it anymore complicated than what James said?? Like legit - if it can be bought from a legal civilian weapon shop, it’s legal. Anything else is contraband/illegal. Only exceptions are those with permits and/or law enforcement. Keep is Simple.
  5. 1 point
    Let me make it simple, If you can buy it from the civ gun store it's allowed, if you cant its not allowed. only exceptions can be contractors with a valid contract allowing larger guns
  6. 1 point
    I love the idea of rewarding loyal players, but I fail to see a viable solution as most things considered, veterans don't need to be more overpowered than they already are. ? All things considering, the servers pop is slowly rising... Of course, if it should fall again, then I guess another overhaul of the server may be in order. I agree that wasteland should be more deathmatch orientated than grinding simulator. If I had the devs that could dedicate 100% of their time back in my day I imagined a very different style of wasteland one focused on skill and deatchmatch over grinding. No survival elements (food/ water/ fatigue~ leads deathmatch focus astray) Fully coded/ balanced server events (events weren't necessarily balanced back in my day due to lack of coding) No thermals or unmanned vehicles (leads gameplay away from skill) Low/ medium tier vehicles & all weapons dirt cheap while high end within reason (perhaps nerfing of particular elements to balance those pesky high-end vehicles) Spawn with 10k, earn 5k per capture, earn 10k per 20 minutes etc... (everyone rich = more balanced between new & long term players/ skill-based gameplay over grindfest) 2 teams, with no faction bonuses or benefits Unique 'event' mission files/ server events such as Hardcore (first person only/ no crosshair etc) , tanks only, bolt action snipers only etc... essentially I envisioned a skill based style deathmatch that attempted to find a balance between newcomers and long-term players. A form of play between fun/ tactics. Imagine a new player to straya wasteland; Scoreboard showing veterans having over 50+ kills exploring money grinding vs item costs realizing that veterans have quite a bit more cash than they do getting killed relentlessly by the same veteran/ veteran groups starting off lone wolf trying to purchase stuff in stores guarded via air/ formidable force etc... Pretty off-putting I'd say ? mmmm perhaps a li'll too much space? ? The minority has the potential to become the majority. Not all players have buddies that can team up together to help take down a threat, and for those that try, they are generally fronted with a formidable veteran squad utilizing both vehicles and tactics to their advantage. Yes, you can argue that's the point of the game, but as server owners they have to consider the li'll people. ?
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Back in my day, Myself, @Supanova @Margarine @ʝ17 and Winters would AFK on the server every single day to gain a playerbase ;)!
  10. 0 points
  11. 0 points
    Okay let me just start of with this, I absolutely love this community it has a special place in my heart. But the amount of jokes about mental health is sickening. Mental Health Issues is a massive problem that means a lot to me, I've had several members of my family kill themselves because of mental health issues including my Mum. But when i join teamspeak the amount of jokes going around about suicide and depression is just ridiculous. And I have to admit I have coped a fair bit of shit about my own mental health issues. All I am here to do is to ask just to cut the shit out, its not cool or funny. And to anyone with mental health issues I'm always here to talk and the majority of Staff is happy to talk about it, Just remember your not alone. If you have read this thankyou and just keep in mind what you say can deeply effect somone
  12. 0 points
    I get your point Red - it is impossible to moderate. Yet I think Woolie's post was intended to remind us that there are many who play that have some issues with mental illness. As with any community, we should be mindful of that. People in a vulnerable state can make rash decisions - sometimes fatal. A bit of banter is fine - but remember you're talking to another human being. We lost a regular player of I&A to suicide last week. And he was a damn fine player.
  13. 0 points
    There isn't any way to moderate what you are complaining about, and there is no reason for me to do so. People tend to make light of these bad situations, it is a way of coping with their own personal situations. SG is definitely a coping mechanism for a lot of people, they will react and speak based on their personal life. If you are offended tell them, if you don't think you can be around them because of how they speak or their attitude then don't talk to them. There are plenty of tools available for you to block and ignore communication with other members you don't agree with, or you find offensive. You also need to remember that random people on the internet don't have their masters in psychology, they might not know how to respond or react to those sorts of conversations. They might react in a really offensive way because that is the social norm for them. we have really large variety of people here, don't expect them to all have lived their life in the same way as you.