Contracting.... where do i start. Its something that many people dont like, which can be understandable in some cases. Pre wipe SIS had a really good contract going cleaning up streets, banks, etc. Some contractors abused the power and didn't abide to the contract. I know SIS wasn't always perfect but i feel we did a lot of good. I cant list much of what we did since there maybe some triggered person out there who doesn't know how the cops got his house Loc. Im wondering what are players thoughts on contractors making a return as i have some of the SIS OGs wanting to make a come back. I know some admins didn't like the way we work like being to secret but hey we are called Secret Intelligence Service for a reason, We work in the shadows, the information that SIS knew could cause a lot of shit. Now the topic of cops just being salty to us and not working this us because "We have more power", at any point the Cops could tell us to take a hike and we have to leave i wonder who as the power. Im not looking to start any shit with admins or other players. SIS as a group was stuffed around a lot after the wipe. I just want players thoughts on SIS making a come back.