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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/17 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    We will be introducing the $250 Million cap on the next update. Arma does not accurately calculate large numbers, which has caused small system issues recently with some players exceeding $250m. We are sorry for the inconvenience. StrayaGaming Lead TB
  2. 4 points
    Okay, so I'll try to keep it short but I just want a discussion about this, TL:DR Cops are bad, they run away, not balanced at all Hmm, love it when Cops call SRT on 3 SP boys, then bring out RPGS and Navids as it escalates into a 5 v 24, spray their navids, shoot their rpgs and still dont kill one of us. Then pussy off back to PD after we start killin em. :) So, I want to know how anyone could consider this balanced? The 3 original SP were @Caiden , @Rhys Beckett and myself. Rhys and I had katibas, and Caiden had a Mk1. As soon as we declare on a cop (north of sydney) they call SRT and the cops start flooding. Next thing we know we're being bombarded by RPGs and being sprayed at by navids, we survived due to the cops just not being good in general (Aim). So after the cops flood on (24) we have 3 more SP boys ( @Nitrous @Jacob Richardson @Chappy ) so turns into a 6 v 24, as the fight continues my strider is disabled by a full navid mag, and Jacob is hit by an RPG while escaping with me (We survive), >situation continues >cops piss off after we kill a few of them > they still have18 cops left >besides the point So, I want to know. At what point in this fight was it balanced. The cops outgunned us, we out skilled them. That's not balanced. I lost a Strider worth 750k, they would have lost what, 200k worth of gear? Why do they get to spend their money willy nilly and come to banks etc with hunter hmgs and have all these big guns for such a small price? Every time the cops complain they get whatever it is they want, why don't we? You wonder why no one wants to play the server but isn't it obvious, no one wants to play on a server where the cops have the potential to rape you anytime they want but they don't because they're shit. We can't bring more than 2 LMGs or Striders to Fed out of fear of a ghost hawk or HMGs being pulled out. It's ridiculous and not fair, back in the days of Vizzn as commisioner we would roll the cops but that was more skill than armory. Cops and Rebels need to be balanced. Otherwise this server is going to die more than it already has. Sort it out. /rant over Edit: **** yeah I'm triggered, isn't this server meant to be fun and not just getting repeatedly raped by the cop force
  3. 4 points
    Largest squad to date for my Zeus missions
  4. 3 points
    This seems a bit difficult to believe. The rules about bringing out 7.62 are very stringent for anyone lower than Sergeant (which is most of the GD cop force), there is a max of 6 SRT online at any one time. However I do agree with the lowering prices of pretty much everything rebel in general, personally I believe that it, alongside the demilitarisation of the server has contributed to the sharp player dropoff. It's practically impossible for a new solo player to get started.
  5. 2 points
    Introducing Straya's League of Legends Esports Team Over the past couple of weeks, The staff at Strayagaming have been working day and night in restructuring Strayagaming so we can further expand our gaming community. A lot of planning has been involved in making sure our newly acquired League of Legends team transitions into our community with minimal fuss and disruption. The Strayagaming staff would like to welcome the following League of Legends Team members. Coach - Subnoize Team 2 Coach - Hopë Team 1 Top Lane - Hyper Jungle - Jinx Mid Lane - Zeo ADC - Loopz Support - Archjuggler Team 2 (Academy) Top Lane - Daisen Jungle - Xanar Mid Lane - Scorpio ADC - Thatronaldguy Support - Exxon These guys are working around the clock in preparation for the OOL Tournament that resumes in February of next year. Success in the OOL will see the team entering in the OCS (Oceanic Challenger Series) in the hopes they will continue to develop their skills and macro play and move forward into the OPL (Oceanic Pro League). This is a big step for Strayagaming and a direction that all those involved are excited to see succeed. There will be further developments coming over the next few months but it’s important that the transition and process into the Esports scene is done methodically and with care to ensure all those who are involved are participating enjoy themselves and settle in.
  6. 2 points
    Im sure if the price of things were lowered there would be less complaints from rebels. Now what happened today was good fun and i dont think its needed to bad mouth the cops however, what they did was pretty silly in calling SRT on 3 SP members, its a sign that the higher up officers dont have faith in GD to handle a situation such as 3 armed rebels within limits. I think its best if with lay this conversation to rest mainly because its going to back and forth. all we need is balance within the prices and then we should be good.
  7. 1 point
    Please sink in tune with me while reading or this wont make sense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tr0otuiQuU AUGUST 26, 2017 Dear reader. I write to you from said lands, Somalia. I have come to seek refuge with family members of a small pirating community. It is quiet here. I am making an appeal to you after a recent downturn of events that led my own public shaming, my rank stripped from by bloody garments after saving the many lives of my brothers during a bloody and shameful display of combat. I write to you today in disgrace and beg not for forgiveness but change. Change of the most un profound kind, for at the core of our policing lie a stench of magnitude. Like the underlie of a fault in the earths crust, an unripe rot which willows and grows displacing and reaping the solitude of justice that we built with our bloodied hands & in recent history has seen such caprice. I Urge you reader uphold your vows be mindful of social justice and stray not a path as did I on that murky road which run rabid like eggshell beneath the foot hindering the course of justice for those not accompanied to the manifest some preach the social order of man, Tread light making noise not for the wolves. YOUR INTIMATELY Al Shabab
  8. 1 point
    I think his more concerned about the cost of the strider not losing it tbh If he paid 15k for his strider i don't think it would even be an issue Satchel charge 18k vs strider 750k ? Like i said cops can roll around in hunters which i personally think are good enough for 15k but rebel hasn't got anything close to that infact the Ifrit is 23x more expensive than the hunter so cops could bring out 23 hunters for the price of 1 ifrit or 50 hunters for the price of 1 strider where's the balance in that ? Either remove armored vehicles from both sides or make them rare / high or equally priced The only issue i had with rebels was the fact they always brang navids which to me ruined gameplay everything else was fine Edit You could even just add hunters in for rebel at say 30k each and that would help with the problem
  9. 1 point
    I completely agree with this and i think what needs to happen is some vlr on cops. Yesterday me and 2 mates took 3 cops hostage (one was wex :P) we took GPS and radio they surprisingly followed and when we saw cops roll up we were gonna kill the cops instead i decided to try to wait and rp with some cops. what happens a cop rolls up and kill everyone (including cops). on subject navids are brought out for banks and its a bit dumb since we only have lvl 3 vests now but its all for some fun thats what we gotta remember its not too fun for cops to get destroyed by a gang that is sitting 10m outside pc1 and its not fun for rebels to have to just farm money and grind (unless you are me i actually enjoy doing runs currently on 43million :D). i think they way to go is just bring back some shenanigans to sydney cops can ticket people make money and rebels can test their luck.
  10. 1 point
    yes, we are fighting the government that can afford RPGS, HMGS, navids, ghosthawks. yet they can only give 300k in a hostage sit? the cops may be the government, doesn't mean that the server has to be cop sided and shit for rebels, doesn't matter if its a RP server.. theres still a combat side, and who wins the combat should be the more skilled player, not the ones who have overpowered shit.
  11. 1 point
    The fight isn't supposed to be balanced your taking on the government. You said you were escaping, the cops done their job.
  12. 1 point
    I've never been blown up by the car bombs?? ive probably just jinxed myself now ?
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    That video brought back some memories haha, had no idea you recorded any of that.
  15. 1 point
    Smaller map = more suicide bombings = more mad opfor?
  16. 1 point
    Another thing I just thought of to make a FOB viable is to maybe have some AI AA there. Whether it's in the form of a cheetah or an AI AA squad. This could create a safety corridor for incoming pilots, and a fallback safe zone for the armor. It would also be good to protect the armor limping back to the fob for repairs & rearm. I agree with @decibel_spl that the place is a graveyard. The AA & maybe even a patrol squad (AI) would be cool.
  17. 1 point
    Perhaps a nice little thing which would make going to the FOB better would be once the FOB is activated, have the typical AI squads and equipment spawn there to make it feel alive. It's kinda weird when you go to the FOB when an AO is right near and there's just no one and nothing there - makes it a bit dead
  18. 1 point
    Persistence is key, aslong as you don't give up anything is possible! It took me almost 3 years but finally i got the position!!! STAFF BANNED!
  19. 0 points
  20. 0 points
    Yup good luck with that ???
  21. 0 points
    Yo I signed up in 2015! only been banned once too! hell yeah can't wait to flaunt strayagaming veteran in help desk!!1!!