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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/19 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Look lads, I don't know if straya is dying right now or if people are just off studying but the number of people on straya compared to Darkside has changed a lot to the point where the server looks dead. I really don't like seeing straya like this. I know that straya has its ups and downs, but it doesn’t change the fact that something has to change. The boys and I have been playing darkside a lot now and been seeing SOA, LYNX, FU, ACU and some other gangs playing on Darkside as well. the reason the boys and i have been playing darkside is because its more fun than straya, the rules are better and are fair to the entire playerbase. It's really fun playing on darkside but it just doesn't feel right without the straya community. I think straya can really be improved in multiple ways and feel free to reply to this post and suggest other ways that it can be improved. - Gang affiliation: basically allows for cops to metagame civs tags which is pretty unfire to the civs and discourages actual gang creation and gang gameplay, the boys and I have taken our tags off a couple times just so we cant be metagamed. But i can understand how this can work in certain situations. - Money carrying over to civ: we think this could abolished and the money that you have on civ and cop should be independent of each other. We think that this would create more roleplay situations because cops like @fegget (:heart:) aren't going to be money hungry and instead going to focus on more roleplay situations. We have also asked some members of the community what they think about straya and what could be improved and what are their views about the server as a whole. Here is some of that; Nick: Support Team Member - "The shit they need to get rid of is the mets game rule where you can use others tags, that’s what ruin it, let 5.56 in city for civs. I view it is a cop server" IAmJack: Altis Life Server Moderator - "I would suggest start with small things, small changes, do able thing first, I might not played this for long, but i have raised a lot of suggest, mainly for medic and all goes into toilet, for myself, as a medic, I think arrest after someone got killed and revived is bullshit, same thing happen on cop got capture after revived. People who die and got revived should be released at safe zone and let them start again, otherwise people will just camp corpse or respawn, not good for cop, not good for rebel and worse for medic, a lose lose lose situation" Shepherd: SIS Member - "Not sure, I haven't played recently enough to know what the server needs currently. From what I've heard and seen its poorly managed and does not provide a good experience for people playing as civs which is a vast majority of the playerbase" Snowy: Leader Of SIS - "Oh there are a million things. Most of them are rule based and contracting. It's hard to same what would work but I think it's a lot more than just hey here some new shit. Staff need a change over. Like bank is in a shit spot. Cops are op. No one is doing rebel shit. Copper it's half way across the map. Like it should be easy to do. Copper and iron proc need to be closer. Making money for new players suck. Cops are rules suck for civs. There isn't much to do for the no rebel civ. Contacting needs to be bigger and better. The main cop contactor have there own base etc. Probs **** this one cos I will never get it. I can't comment on bank as I have never done it. Staff need to change there need to be a mix of contractors, rebels, cops and normal peps. That just a few. Making the server nicer for new players. All I see every day is new players getting ****ed on. Need more events. Make jail an actual thing. So people don't escape after there been ****ed on. Make it like a bank" Mitch: Community Manager - "Talk to Bouda or Jdawgz" Ethan: Leader Of LYNX - “Similar to Snowys argument, seeing new players jump on for a couple of days and log off because they’re are getting railed by big boys is sad for the community, as it limits player pop and money going around the economy. Sure determination can split the difference between a basic clan and successful clan, but seeing new people who have no clue how to start with no direction can be hard and unmotivating." Rolex: Former Altis Life Moderator -”Get rid of the gang affiliation stuff, focus on making the rules equally beneficial to both parties.” Sun: Leader Of Clout 9 - “Civs need a civ admin.” Hugot: Support Team Member - “Well I would view the server as a little bit boring and that it needs a change because for the past two years it has been the exact same. What I think needs to happen is that the devs change up the map so it is completely different. And be maybe fixing some of the problems with how there are more cops than civs” Mathew: SF Member - “The server is a shit show when it comes to cop vs civ roleplay and pvp, the cops have lvl 4 or explosive proof vests while civs have max lvl 3 vests. Most the cops think they are rebels and just roll around in helis and hunters decking on rebels when it's not necessary, for example when doing a drug run or you just finished a war with a gang they somehow know and rock up and arrest the winning gang or the "leftovers". Also another problem is when our gang (sf) kill just a few cops in sydney. every other cop goes on armoured patrol just for a few civs having a 9mm guns, it's a altis life roleplay server not North Korea life. One more point is that cops and meta your name and arrest you for something your gang member did, this shouldn't even be a rule in the first place as it just gives cops a massive advantage over civs, especially civs in sydney as you could be unarmed and you gang member gets arrested for dumb shit then the next thing you know your arrested for standing there unarmed. Theses are some of the main issues I wanna address.” We really want Straya to grow. Please leave any other suggestions below
  2. 6 points
    i mean like the server was poppin' when someone in particular was snr mod...shit only seemed to go down hill after they got demoted for "inactivity"
  3. 5 points
    I personally didn't mind how the server was set up before the wipe. Just no navids. Brisbane bank was fun, shady westy was amazing, crafting on rebel was good and looked better IMO, gang bases actually gave good shit to the people who owned it and made it worth buying or fighting for. Server was always popping with 70 civs as its average daily number and there was a good cop to civ ratio most of the time. Hope this update improves things and adds good shit.
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    Like bonked said you're pointing shit in every other direction. The thing is it seems like you want to turn this server into darkside. Like go play darkside smh A while ago there was 7.62 allowed in city limits w/ a rp reason for a short while and then they changed it to 6.5 as oldmate sun could tell you and as you could imagine didnt work. I also need to say with the whole thing Matthew the SF fella said, rebels can buy level 4 vests, and you don't need them when you can buy csats and level 1 vests and tank as much as a cop. Just an idea put yourself in gd constables shoes for a sec and think about 9 SF syd rats with stings under syd bridge vs the suv... I see where yous are coming from but you needa think of your ideas from all perspectives, not try and suggest ideas that "balance" the server to just your liking.
  6. 3 points
    Sydney gangs and sydney bridge would 100% turn off new players. There's times where we literally can't do anything as Police because they all run around with SMG/Pistol in their backpack and pull them out and shoot us in the back when they're in a good position. You also can't stop them robbing/killing civs on the bridge because then, the same thing as before happens. I can't remember how the rules avoided this last time I played but I believe there was no gang wide decs. This allows police to do their job and not have to let it get to a level where 10 people can be in city limits killing cops because 1 guy was told to put his gun away by a cop or be arrested. Maybe changing the declare rule for inside city limits = not being declared on whole gang would stop this, we can stop them robbing civs without fear of a whole gang shooting us as soon as we restrain or taze one.
  7. 3 points
    Personally, I think major Sydney gangs are a problem for new players. These giant gangs of 4-8 players prey on new players who lack any knowledge about the game/server. You guys just sit in Sydney and frag the new players who you outnumber immensely. This puts players off the server as they're unable to even spawn without getting immediately declared upon
  8. 2 points
    if straya had more different stuff to do maybe there wouldn't be so many people at syd bridge
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    why not, another red bull one would be cool
  11. 1 point
    if im honest here @Mitch comment is the best throughout this whole report 10/10 would do it again "ask Bouda or Jdawgs"
  12. 1 point
    id also suggest add the looting of corpses as a lot of time people are being robbed for gear they don't give it up but if they know they will die and loose it anyway they are more likely to give up their gear and roleplay the situation
  13. 1 point
    Every time SF has 8-9 people in Sydney, 90% of the cop forces dies.
  14. 1 point
    sg police force in a nutshell. cx Armando works at a dog store hi my name is frank snow i'm apart of IX and you finna get fragged.
  15. 1 point
    started making this a while ago lol, never really finished it I was looking at that second pic too and thought it would be dope to have that
  16. 1 point
    Suck me sideways if you don't like my opinion or want to defend ya mate aye I myself wont be playing a server let alone ****ing donating to it when if I have a suspicion of people hacking and then basically labeled a retard by an admin through global. I don't even care if I am the retard for calling it out but to have an admin single me out and make me feel like an idiot.... **** you. If they are not hacking then there is a clear balancing issue. To have a server with 8 - 10 players (3opfor 1blufor 4indepentant when I checked) and have 2 'indies' be somehow everywhere and be able to practically dominate on a 20 square kilometer map is ridiculous. $10 or not without dumb-ass's like me and the other donators, this server is nothing but a bunch of waste that will be on the bottom of the server list (sometimes the only way I find it is because I have it in favorites *FILTERED WASTELAND*).
  17. 1 point
    Yeah mate, heres a VOD from SkylerBB of the most recent Theater of War Installment. (Just havent edited it down) ?
  18. 1 point
    You repeated some things a few times (not including conclusion, each paragraph should be a new topic), no in-text referencing as mentioned above, some spelling and grammar mistakes, but seems like decent research and use of sources. 80% max I think, depending on how strict your teacher is. Also, you shouldn't link Wikipedia, use the citation in Wikipedia as the reference -Dad
  19. 1 point
    For Tanoa, could we get a predator skin for whitelisted infantry?
  20. 1 point
    As nice as this is Persona, is there a possibility of putting up actual guides on HOW to fly? Things like what to lookout for while on-route; Things to avoid doing (flying into enemy AA controlled airspace); How to use things like terrain to hide yourself; How to pick LZs that don't put yourself or your "packs" at risk. I'd make one myself, but I'm a little out of date with I&A. I just wanted to raise the point that it isn't existent and would be useful for people who want to start flying but want to avoid the reticule of every person on the server (I know what you're all like). good job with all the guides to everyone who has made them @Persona-non-Grata @pkisbest @Jake-_-Stones910
  21. 1 point
    I think the Blackfoot and Kajiman need some love give the Blackfoot this kind of skin And the Kajiman (for keks)
  22. 0 points
    They "Rob" people because they know people won't comply most of the time and they get to frag them.
  23. 0 points
    @Armando Wolff aren't you dissapointed you weren't interviewed by 2Square after mass rdming in sydney? smh
  24. 0 points
  25. 0 points