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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/16 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Alrighty, I feel as if I should do more in this community. So that being said I'll be giving away 1 Arma 3 apex expansion to ONE lucky winner. To enter: Comment what you like most about the community Want 2x the chance to win? Like this post This will be given away in 2/3 weeks as I have to find some more spare cash and of cause purchase it for myself... Goodluck! Edit: Please don't enter if you already have it
  2. 2 points
    Greetings, It seems to go without saying, the current wasteland tablet is fairly outdated, so today we've been working on a new Player Menu tablet we'll- if all going well -be including in the next Wasteland Update. Nothing major, or secretive, so with consent I've included a wee time lapse for the extra curious >;). This isn't the absolute final design, and quite a few changes are expected to be made before it's installed.
  3. 2 points
    So last night. Ryan, Martin, Pope Yuri and myself all decided to play the co-op campaign of arma 3. There were plenty of laughs and good moments but unfortunately we were not recording. So here are some of the screenshots. "RPG out" -Martin Some groups go in stealthy, others loud. Martin fires a rpg from like 600m away. "I cant be bothered killing these guys anymore. Ill just take this money and become rich." -Dyet Once Again, 'Stealthy'.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Being able to save vehicles loadouts. So i don't have to spend 15 minutes filling my APCs with FAKs and MX mags every time.
  6. 2 points
    //Hidden @kristiankar67 Please stop offering Roleplay currency for things which are not included in the roleplay (IRL items)
  7. 1 point
    First , i will not say who this person is by online name or community member. But this is the coolest role play response i have seen for joining our organization. Please read and enjoy as i did I'am a Diamond Miner, I've been a solo operator of my business for nearly 10 years, since my wife took our Infant Daughter and moved to Stratis. I was going months at a time without seeing another soul as I mined Diamonds in the isolated parts of the country. In that decade I've seen rebels destroy Melbourne and it's population and economy, leaving the once vibrant city a ghost town and ruin controlled by rebels intimidating, robbing, kidnapping into slavery and murdering the few staunchly law abiding citizens who remain. The fear I felt from this forced me to buy a personal protection firearm, something I've never done before and wish I'd never have to. It was several Months ago when I was in the middle of a expedition to stake out a mine North-East of Melbourne when I saw a large convoy of large box trucks with helicopters escorting them. I saw the logo on all the vehicles of this awe inspiring convoy, the logo of Acquisitions Incorporated. As I sat atop my hill eating a tactical bacon and watching through Binoculars as the mile long convoy rumbled through I felt a small glimmer of hope appear in my weary soul. This was reinforced when I spoke to Police and other Miners during my annual trip to Sydney to renew my licenses and resupply and replace gear. They said how much good this corporation had done for the people of our war-torn nation in such a short time, catching rebels and destroying their drug shipments... it is something that needed to happen for so long, I know the police try but budget and manpower shortages confine them to Sydney almost all the time, it isn't their fault but someone else needed to take up the mantle of doing what needed to be done. and I know what I need to do... It is time to give up the loner's life and be part of a group again, I've sold my mining business and am ready to move onto something bigger and better, hopefully with a position in this Corporation and doing what I can to better the community and one day free our nation from the grips of gang wars and lawlessness.
  8. 1 point
    YES the little jeeps on medics PLEASE
  9. 1 point
    As Charlie has mentioned, we are prepping for a future update which will hopefully fix a bunch of bugs, including the kill feed. As for adding new modded weapons (excluding Apex), that will not be happening. We plan on keeping our Wasteland Server free of item mods for ease of access to the public.
  10. 1 point
    Here you go mate. These are the highest resolutions we have available.
  11. 1 point
    okay now im tempted to buy this....i should have on the sale rip. what vehicles have been added etc?
  12. 1 point
    what I like most about this community, well there's two things that tie together that really make this community something I genuinely enjoy being a part of. 1st is the dedicated and professional admin, moderator and help desk team. These guys are too often not given the credit or respect they're due and too many people get salty at them for just trying to ensure the various servers run smoothly and fairly as well as ensuring the rules are followed by all. This combined with the 2nd factor: The people and community members who make up the StrayaGaming community. 99.99% of members are respectful and courteous to each other and just want to play the game and have fun, the type of people who will message "GG" or "Congrats" when you kill them or arrest them or otherwise defeat them and not get salty and abuse people. Those two factors tie for my favourite things on this server and always make coming onto the SG servers extremely fun for me
  13. 1 point
    I really like how everyone interacts with eachother and everyone gets along i also like how everyone is friendly to everyone they dont care about age or anything. Its also a very good server becuase we have active staff which is amazing cause they can always deal with problems when ever we need them
  14. 1 point
    Good stuff @Jared. Not for the competition; I love StrayaGaming for the wide diversity of servers, I don't have to leave the community to play wasteland, I & A or Altis life, it's all here. I also love StrayaGaming for the fact it has the biggest and most populated TeamSpeak in the southern hemisphere! I also love the communities forums, they are beautiful. I can't go to any other community and have so many active threads of discussion or entertainment. I also love that this server doesn't take shit yet will give you second chances, other servers just keep hour banning trolls or have a horrible punishment system, this one is spot on and ensures the player base deserves to be around. Structure; there is good structure, you don't like what support says, you can go one up, don't like what they say you can again go one up and it just keeps on going, there is a lot of ranks in the staff sense which can be an absolute cludter but in this case is managed perfectly and I would say as professionally as a buisness. Luckyb33f; most down to earth founder I have ever met. Oh and the things he does whilst intoxicated. Just to list a few...
  15. 1 point
    @Tiggati or @Leopard you should move this to featured topics
  16. 1 point
    My favorite part of our community is the fact that I can say 'our' we are all apart of it, we all contribute, some think severs are run by the staff and the staff alone, without the community there would be no staff team, there would be no Straya gaming, I have been in this community since the very first Altis life server which was around 2 years ago now... the reason that I unlike many other staff members have chosen to stick around is because the community is like a family to me, I get messaging all the time just saying hey and whats up... when I am absent for more than a week on the community I feel like there is something missing and that I am constantly bored. This community literally keeps me going, I am literally in year 12 and should be using all my time to study which is why I am absent half of the time... but I would rather be here with all of you than work my heart out to get a 2 digit number that defines the next six months of my life, you guys all mean more than that to me... plus I am poor as shit as my gpu just broke :'( and cannot afford apex <3
  17. 1 point
    I believe the JP and his team are working in some projects that are under wraps at this point in time. So stick tight mate it will come.
  18. 1 point
    So I found this boat near the last AO, wanted to get to next AO. Sniped everyone on the boat and swam to it. LOCKED. swam 10 minutes when I could've used the boat....