- An ATM outside for reformed criminals who serve their sentence to get money out to use the bus - if they dont get money out from inside prison before their timer is up, they are teleported outside and have no way of getting back. +1 - Add Correctional facility to police bus stop to allow for police to get to the correctional facility faster to prevent break outs of jail (a few of us have tried doing prison guard RP and its been alot of fun ensuring that the prison is kept safe etc). +1 if not directly to the facility at least a nearby police camp so we can react on that. - prison riot - if 4+ people are in jail, then they can trigger a prison riot - if the timer expires before police respond with non lethal force to break up the riot (e.g. 5 min timer etc) then all prisoners are teleported outside jail and broken out (instead of waiting out their 20-40 min sentences etc) + time should be reduce if there are more and more prisioners, like 4P-5min , 5p - 4m45 , 6p - 4m30 etc...
- give medics the ability to walk into prison to revive downed convicts (instead of re-spawning and restarting their prison sentence) + 1 and a medical room for medic roleplay checkup for prisoner.