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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/19 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    EVENT NAME: Operation Regicide GAME: Arma 3 PLAYER COUNT: 3 Factions of 20 DESCRIPTION: Three kings. Three armies. One Throne. The year is 2035, Altis peasants have fled their homeland as Stratis invaders take control of the region. Each faction has their own fort which holds their king, the primary objective is to kill all other faction's kings while keeping yours alive. The last king surviving in their fort represents the superior faction. The king cannot leave their fort/bunker, that includes altitude (above 50m AGL) First-Person // No Stamina // Team markers // Unlimited Respawns // Kings have one life // No armed air or heavy armor vehicles // Restricted weapons/items (same as bitter red.) // No 3D-Spotting LENGTH: max 90 minutes (excludes 20 min prep time) >> otherwise faction with most kills reigns Made this compound composition a while ago. could use it.
  2. 5 points
    Hello gamer's, Since crafting is back (thanks), I have to ask, the price's of house's vary in sizes (500-750k for a small, like 2 mill for a double? Don't know the exact prices), yet the inventory sizes are the same, I was wondering if we could have more storage in the bigger houses as that makes more sense? Otherwise there's no point in spending more money on a bigger house whilst you can buy a cheaper smaller house that holds the exact same amount as Y inventory storage xx Also could the Go Karts PLEASE come back, I know a lot of players who have genuinely left the server (NSWP White Person) just because Go-karts were removed, people raced/RP'd at the go-kart track etc. -Houses have more storage the bigger/more expensive it is -Go-karts to make an appearance back to the server Cheers
  3. 4 points
    Report post Posted April 2, 2018 (edited) Reenlistment Application for Demotions or Removals due to Inactivity Please Copy the Template between the lines and title the topic appropriately. *Please note prior to the submission of this application it is imperative that you have gone through the APD Protocols found here. You will be asked questions on it during your interview.* When re-enlisting into the APD you require 15 hours minimum, these hours must be performed after induction training has been completed, if this time is found to be insufficient your application may be denied. Also ensure that you meet all word requirements, likewise if any word limits are not met your application will be treated poorly or denied. NOTE: Entry in the APD is age restricted. For more information about this click here. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Basics: - Name: U MIRIN BRUH TeamSpeak Name: U MIRIN BRUH Age: 20 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198081000995 Hours as Pubslot (Min 15 hours): 15 Induction Training Completed By (Must have been completed no more than 30 days ago): Luke Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD?: Inactivity Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD?: (50 Words Min): I took a break from Altis Life to concentrate more on university and work. Recently, I switched to a different course with less contact hours and I now have more time to dedicate towards the APD. Once re-enlisted, I can dedicate a lot of hours a week towards representing the APD as a good role-playing police officer. I consider myself to be a good bloke as well as having excellent roleplay skills and that would make me an excellent police officer. When was the last time you played consistently on Cop?: 4-5 months ago If you are enlisted into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: I would consider myself to be an excellent police officer which means that I can role play well and engage with the community well. I will be able to carry out my necessary duties to the best of my ability and present myself in a respectful and professional manner. I also believe that I will be able to contribute towards the ADP's specialized teams as I believe I have the necessary skills to earn a position. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department?: (50 Words Min) I believe that I can bring a well-mannered and patient persona towards the police force while also excelling in in-game skills such as role play and combat. I have had previous experience in the police academy and I am able to effectively perform tedious tasks including paperwork and inductions. I also have previous SRT experience and so I can bring good combat skills. Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols?: Yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: 10-15 hours a week If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): Referral One: @luke_ @Chris Shaw Referral Two: @Big Kev
  4. 3 points
    Name: FarmerGeorge Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted):76561198312218367 Date of Disciplinary Action: 04/02/2019 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: APD Strike Who were you Disciplined by Corey and MIlkdud Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Failing to listen to the Server Manager and continuing to raid a house during a server event and not putting the loot back in the house when told too. Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] I believe that my APD Strike should be removed because since the incident I have been trying to push detectives and house raids in an even better direction to benefit not only Detectives but the APD itself, I have made a Document with the help of my 2IC and Team-lead to assist the future and current Command team/Senior detectives, so when they do a house raid there should be no dramas in the future. I have also run many house raid in the last month and so far (touch wood) they all have been successful with 0 incidents happening. Any other information: Again I would like to apologize to Mitch and everyone else that has been affected in this I feel like a complete idiot and I will make sure that stuff like this will never happen again. Thank you for reading this and I am Sorry.
  5. 2 points
    currently the 5.56 rifle, the spar 16, has a price without discount of 30k - keep in mind this is supposed to be the standard gd rifle for senior constables to ssgt for reference, a regular MX - a 6.5 rifle is only 10k, with the mxm being 35k, only a 5k difference between the mxm and a gd rifle. im seeing people just go out with mk20s or stings because they're cheaper and people just dont want to pay for a spar. i dont want to have to pay the price of an mxm to get a spar 16. the mk20, also a 5.56 rifle, is only 6k. i've also heard that the price was supposed to be changed to something more reasonable before the seatbelt patch, but nothing ever came of it. anyway gamers, wavey check
  6. 2 points
    Bye gamers, will miss you all.
  7. 2 points
    +1 to qilin, offroad HMG is pretty trash, Its more a meme than anything +1 to clothing If you add flags to gangbases they just become another capture point. Theres 3 on the map already, 6 just makes majority of them redundant and they become dead content. The new gangbase system is a pretty cool concept and with some minor tweaking could work well and another means of unique combat too.
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    All the best to you Dredal. I hope that you keep on being youself and enjoy your life. Even if that means life outside of strayagaming, if there even is any
  12. 1 point
    interesting ideas - a few thoughts from me ? 1: adding hats should be easy enough - we are talking about the idea of adding the VR suits (not confirmed but seems like a good idea) so that each base gets its own colour (red, green and blue) these wouldnt be skinned as any one could eventually own a gang base. 2: im interested for more peoples thoughts on this - we could remove the other variants of the armed off road and have the same qilin minigun for all, the original decision to have different vehicles was more a thought on having unique armed vehicles per different gang base (i.e. Our gang really wants to go to war with GB3 as we want the HMG over a minigun etc) but if the people would prefer the minigun for all bases then this can def be looked at. These will still only be rentable however as they are inteded for special use rather then being pulled out every encounter from random garages (becomes unfair for those who dont have a gang base/access to these vehicles) and or the cops just end up pulling out armed vehicles all the time as well. 3: i like the idea of a capture flag but with some slight tweaks - I still think a gang war application is needed to make it a controlled server event (otherwise people would just roll the gang bases while the owners arent on or theres only a few gang members online at the time) it also allows for AL staff to be able to ensure the terms are agreed, that people show up and manage the change in gang base whitelisting if needed.......... but what if we had a capture flag, that if the opposing gang or cops captured, then that acts as a way to win the war? (so the rule changes to either wipe out all the opposing members or capture the gang base flag to win?) 4: if we put wetsuits in, would that mean people spend most of the war hiding in the water and using the water as a bullet proof shield (unless armed with an SDAR?), we will look at what specific guns we could add to each base to make them more special as well again these are just my personal thoughts and stuff id be happy to raise at the AL Senior Staff for development as we are looking at the gang bases and are keen to improve on them to inspire more gang wars/drive interest and desire in making a long standing gang who will want to fight and keep a base
  13. 1 point
    //Pending\\ Your application is under review by the Commander of Police Divisions.
  14. 1 point
    //Accepted\\ Please get in contact with Milkdud or Corey on TS for more information on the removal of your blacklist.
  15. 1 point
    Operation Danger Close Game: Arma 3 Player Count: 3 Teams of 15 Players Description: Urban Based PVP event - 1v1v1. Quasi Milsim; Stamina enabled, 1st person Locked, No Arsenal (static loadouts), Round based death-match (no respawns) event in which the first to 2 or 3 points (depending on length of rounds) wins. Custom map supplied by myself (see screenshot for the general setting and map design). Start points located in the middle of each edge.
  16. 1 point
    My ideas for gang bases. 1: Add all clothing items from civ stores (Hats mosty) 2: Remove MB 4WD & Offroad armed from Gang base 2 & 3 , Add Qillin mini-gun to all gang bases for ownership price of 2mil then add ammo packs for the minigun and another 1-2mil each time they want to get more ammo. 3: Instead of cops applying on the forums to war gang bases add a flag inside the gang bases that allows cops to capture the gang base. Once cops have control and the gang base rebels wont be able to spawn there or use any shops until the rebels gain control back again. 4: Add wetsuits (AAF) to gang bases & also ams black.
  17. 1 point
    Even just a discount for the gear like there used to be
  18. 1 point
    Operation Pre-kill MISSION OBJECTIVE: Turmoil has engulfed the Altis Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying towns is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of toll facilities, the Trade federation has stopped all shipping to the small town of zaros While the Senate of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two IDAP Negotiators, the guardians of peace and justice on the island, to settle the conflict.... Your team is to setout as a convoy from the landing strip North of Abdera (091215) at 10:00am in the morning Collect 2 Idap representitives that are to land at the helipad at Syrta (083182). We are expecting them to land at 10:15am. make sure the town is clear for them to arrive. Escort the Idap Negotiators to Zaros (090122). Negotiations should commence at 11:00am There will be checkpoints along the route. You have been given priority clearance to pass through these. ROE will be return fire only. MAP/LOCATION PREFERENCE: Altis refer map below SQUAD SETUP: Squad 1 1x IDAP Zamak Transport (Negotiators Transport) 1x IDAP Van Transport (Optional) 2x IDAP MB 4WD (Optional) Squad 2 2x IDAP Offroad (Optional) 2x Prowler HMG Squad 3 1x MH-9 Hummingbird QRF WEAPONS\UNIFORM: Uniform - "Driver Coveralls" (except redstone and Vrana) No Thermals No Drones No Bergens Ammo = Tracers NOTES: Idap Negotiators have a bad feeling about flying directly to the Zaros meeting point, mainly due to rourmors regarding the new CSAT "Wrist rocket" AA system. OPFOR EXPECTATIONS: It is unknown how far and wide the threat of the specter of the enemies agression has spread. If we do come under attack, Guerrilla Tactics should be expected. lightly armoured vehicles, highly mobile enemy infantry, IED'S. Just like in the simulations. As a peace keeping force though, the priorty should be to break contact and find another way through. god damnit you made me write an escort mission
  19. 1 point
    MISSION OBJECTIVE: Our recent satellite images have revealed that there has been an increased activity at an airfield about 1 km North of Abdera shown in an image bellow. Intel suggests that enemy forces are using this airfield as a weapons smuggling base. Using Caesars to smuggle these weapons into Altis supplying them for the enemy to fight back against us. We have sent a recon team to investigate and search. The Intel provided is that the best time that these smugglers transport these weapons is approximately at 0200 hours. Your mission is to infiltrate that airfield, destroy any enemy SPAAGs, take out any enemy threats and return any planes that are found to the FOB (Altis International Airport) without destroying any smuggled weapons. It is with recommendation that you do this mission with the highest of stealth as reinforcements may be called if too much attention is attracted to you. Good Luck Soldiers! MAP/LOCATION PREFERENCE: Altis 1 kilometer North of Abdera SQUAD SETUP: You will be receiving transport helos, you will also be receiving an Appache acting as CAS. Due to the distance, no ironside will be given and transport will be frequent for safety. Boats will also be located at the port of Kalithea that can be used to assist along the coast or used for stealth infiltration instead of Helicopters. CAS\FSG STATUS: CAS is a last resort, only used if everything is going to shit and stealth has been broken already. WEAPONS\UNIFORM: Any weapons may be used, but it is at full recommendation that you use silencers and silenced weapons NOTES: Intel suggests there may be SPAAGs around the airfield waiting for you OPFOR EXPECTATIONS: Heavy infantry Autogunners, SPAAGs, AT/AA man pads, Lots of infantry, Possible enemy helos and Boats patrolling around the airfield.
  20. 1 point
    +1 . He's active in the APD, aware of situations and how to quickly deal with them. Holski is an approachable person that can assist you and is experienced in the force.
  21. 1 point
    Restricting the closer AOs completely when there is only 20-25 players is probably not viable in my opinion, but that is something that would be analysed and discussed by the I&A staff anyway. Unfortunately many I&A pilots tend to develop a bit of tunnel-vision in regards to what their role can be. In the case of a close AO, consider the following: When there are few troops to transport or it is otherwise not viable, we should consider undertaking other supportive roles as a pilot. Can't help ya with your FPS though, that's a you problem ?
  22. 0 points
    Any event that isnt first person locked, thx
  23. 0 points
    EVENT NAME: Operation Seafood GAME: Kahoot PLAYER COUNT: 3 Teams DESCRIPTION: One person from each team will be nominated to play as a kahoot user, the kahoot match will ask questions about the strayagaming community, aswell as arma 3 based questions, and common knowledge questions of modern society (or whatever), the team to win the kahoot match should win valuable items/ currency from their server e.g. Straya AL- weapons or cash. There should be one team per server, teams should consist of 5 people. The way teams are picked should be based on their interest of the event. Aswell as community vote for each server. LENGTH: 1 Hour
  24. 0 points
    Also maybe add vehicles such as the striders back just for gang bases as well.
  25. 0 points
    Ticket three guys for entering PD and you got yourself a spar16 without even leaving the safe zone. I get what you are saying with the MX being 10k that’s a bit odd but 30k really isn’t anything to complain about.