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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/18 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Hello gamers this is my third addition to my frag videos, only really make these when im bothered so enjoy friends.
  2. 5 points
    From most recent discussions with him... He has not changed one bit. The blatant lies are still there and he's still trying to manipulate people for personal gain. He's just as much a tool as he was when I banned him.
  3. 3 points
    Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not in-titled to Sergeant and can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your application, if you do it will be hidden. Name: Dandoo Callsign: [K14W] Training Completed By: Kmart List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: Jakob D Precision Alex Jarrods C Ssaro POLAIR trainings: @Michael @Michael Phelps Anthony Grey Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I think I deserve a promotion because as being a part of POLAIR and being a Senior Constable has made me become a lot more responsible and I’ve done a lot of trainings. The down side of being a Senior Constable is I cant add recruit tags after I have done a training so I must poke or message a sergeant up to do it which can be annoying for them and me. The same thing goes for adding charges, I must always poke or message a sergeant or up to add charges. Also I think being a sergeant could also help me in POLAIR as I don’t have access to drones and this can be frustrating at times when I feel like I need them for a bank or to scope out a situation as using an officer for something like this could risk his/her life and a drone would be a lot more affordable. Who would recommend you for a promotion? Senior Constable @Zac Senior Constable Academy Officer @Michael Phelps Senior Constable / Senior Detective @iamjack Senior Constable @Maverick Senior Constable @Loxtonjoel Constable @Michael
  4. 3 points
    I just want to say that the staff team involved at the time wanted to be proactive and took a bit of a gamble. I retired before the update was ready and implemented, but at that time the following was true: Most staff involved believed that by moving things to brisbane: it would be better overall for the server we can decrease the toxicity such as certain gangs declaring and shooting anyone, without those being able to 'get going' by evading them, as most things were contained in sydney, whereas in the new model it was spread out Prevent the constant robbing of people doing 'newbie' runs which is often complained about by the non-forum vocal players (generally new or semi-new people) who at times waste all their money trying to complete one run and then quit out of frustration However, the consensus with all was that we need to make the update feature-rich, and capture zones were a definite feature to be added at the time of my departure. What happened between then and the release, I do not know. What I experienced with Frank during my time was someone who has breached our rules on a few occasions, specifically by ban-evading (a community ban) and popping up in our TeamSpeak server from time to time. Make your own judgement of him, but I will mention that it is extremely difficult to change ones underlying traits, so if he has indeed changed, really well done to you Frank, but on the other hand, don't just take a persons word that they 'changed'. I appreciate the view submitted by Frank, however, the broad attack on both Wex's character, as well as anyone 'defending StrayaGaming' in the final sentence is a nefarious way to finish a statement in my opinion. Signed: Nevetos from StrayaGaming
  5. 3 points
    This shit is stupid, it's a video game. Get over it.
  6. 2 points
    The server is fine how it is, for weapons anyway, You have LIM’s and MK200’s, learn to use them, yes it will actually require skill but oh well.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Name: Jay Feare Callsign: [K24W] Training Completed By: Unknown List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: N/A Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I deserve a promotion because ive been an active member of the police force for years and know everything there is to know about cop. Ive been a snr constable for months and want to be able to take on more responsibility. As as sgt I believe I can benefit the cop force more than I can as a snr constable. Who would recommend you for a promotion? N/A
  9. 1 point
    And you can use the AI to help you drive the Hemtt's over to the FOB. However the AI are stupid... and they have major issues with bridges... but if you can avoid those, and force them to follow in a column... you can usually get them there no worries. Does take a while... and you may need some protection, as roaming Nix's and rocket armed technicals are now on the prowl. (This is usually why I like doing logistics to the FOB) For those that want to know: Here's what each of the Hemtts do for the FOB. (Note: Vehicle = All Vehicles including Helos) 1. Medical Hemtt - Increases player respawn tickets at FOB - (and maybe a medical tent in the future? ? ) 2. Ammo Hemtt - Spawns Arsenal Box in the command building and Vehicle Ammo at the Helo Landing Pad and Repair Bay 3. Fuel Hemtt - Fuel at Helo Landing Pad and Repair Bay 4. Repair Container Hemtt - Allows repairing at Helo Landing Pad and Repair Bay (NOTE: the Supply Container Hemtt also looks the same as this, make sure you get the right one) 4.A. Vehicle Repair Hemtt / Bobcat - VR Hemtt It's parked next to the artillery vehicle near spawn, and can also be used to tow the containers (e.g. medical pod, ammo crate, etc) that are next to it. Bobcat is also classed as a repair vehicle and can activate repair services. Both can tow other hemtts.(Only a player can tow, AI can't) 5. Supply Container Hemtt - Spawns transport vehicles at the FOB. Hope this might help some ? Edit: Please correct me if I have this wrong guys.
  10. 1 point
    i need that 30% off
  11. 1 point
    Ok first up to answer some of the questions posed (I won’t be answering retarded questions so don’t bother) I am currently developing this. It will be PvPvE with missions with Retarded Zeds that tend to flock together the more that spawn making them a tad more dangerous. It will be very much survival-based meaning that you will need to start from the ground up and do the real hard yards before getting it easy. Roleplay can be incorporated but for personally I don’t care for roleplay and it should be up to each player to make that choice. Exile and 1 other mod are incorporated with the remaining being server side. I have no intention of adding anything extra because for most a couple of mods is more than enough. Licenses and rubbish won’t be added because it’s not AL. Vehicles will be obtainable of course with scarcely scattered vehicles around the map and AI vehicles that can be claimed however some will be unclaimable. Zeus is a tricky one in Exile and I won’t make any promises there. Of course, there will be the usual trolls and dead hits, but they will very quickly find themselves permanently banned. I’m sure a team of admins can be assembled that can more than deal with these issues. On Epoch it’s a fantastic mod and dev team however it was a lot more difficult to introduce people to this mod but it’s worth a thought I have run both for extended periods of time. I don’t like the idea of base raiding personally I think there’s enough shit roaming around that wants to kill you and traditionally I have always run PvE servers as I prefer a co-op environment over toxicity. PvE will be my first choice but its hasn’t been firmly established. And yes, Base building is always a core part of exile because as I said shit wants to kill you left, right and centre. PLEASE NOTE: The point of this poll is to gauge if Exile could be a valid server and if it would have a sustainable player base so while all the suggestion and everything is great, we need to prove that its viable before any major work is done.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    You'd have more success trying to merge with an exile community. Last time Straya did Exile, it was popular for the first week then barely had any players after that. I'd rather the work go towards pop up servers, something like a modded I&A or wasteland. A game mode where you can get decent pop for the weekend or a week then shut it down and bring it back after a few months.
  14. 1 point
    So now we (as in the AL players) have to develop our own shit hold up wtf?
  15. 1 point
    The devs do work for the server they want to do work for. Just because we start up a new server doesn’t mean we are taking Devs from the AL server. Calm your tits. If your so worried about “your server missing out”, learn how to do shit yourself. As related to the point of this topic -have never played Exile and would love to give it a try.
  16. 1 point
    maybe the 5th attempt will work...
  17. 1 point
    The following is a guide for the Ironside (Tank Crew) role present in the server: I heavily suggest you go through this guide chronologically! Ironside Basics Ammo Types Protection CSAT and You Tank Analysis Parting words: Tracked Tanks CANNOT Be Airlifted!!
  18. 0 points
    What is the point of removing Striders. All cops have 7.62 5.56 6.5mm Rifles/SMG So why is it any different if Rebel/Cartels have Striders. It's not hard for even normal Civilian's to kill them with a 40/50k gun to destroy a 900k'ish Vehicle. The windows can be shot through U can spike strip and shoot out the tires so how is it overpowered. Bring it back or give me an explanation of why it won't be back.
  19. 0 points
    Frank copied and pasted my whole mission.sqm and put it on his server from all the work I did on Darkside and TFO ? Funny to join another server to see all your work
  20. 0 points
    I'll do a 10% discount if you record and upload yourself rapping (With facecam).
  21. 0 points
    no one gives a shit about exile, there are 100's out there, dont waste dev time make a exile server, first add NEW content to altis life, oh and I stress NEW content cause only altis life content in the last 1 year has been changed content, sure you changed the ui and shit and made things work and look nicer but theres no new content, so stop fking around with exile servers and make a server your community is based around better
  22. 0 points
    Everyone has the right to defend themselves, so on frank's behalf: Admin pls nu remove.
  23. 0 points
    Hey @Woolie To save you time by writing all that stuff i've linked a video tutorial to get better results with some of those staff members that may not like you.
  24. 0 points
    Banned from discord, time to rim all the staff
  25. 0 points